II:chapter 1

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Ranah was ill-informed of her mission, but that didn't mean she wouldn't come when the republic called. After the breif detour she had on Pluv the Jedi was prepared to take on a new task and hopefully clear her head. Although she aided the good guys, Ranah was still tainted by darkness. The redhead stepped into an elevator while a republic agent briefed her of the current situation. Green eyes met her reflection in the glass of the elevator, Ranah loved being able to wear her hair down she looked more herself. "Since Senator Amidala is facing such great dangers with the assassin after her we have a Jedi and Padawan also keeping guard. They have already arrived" Ranah paused turning to the agent "Why?" she questioned. "The aid is needed?" the man responded, puzzled . The elevator doors slid open. "Yes I understand, but if a Jedi Master and Padawan are protecting the Senator why am I needed?" Ranah asked furrowing her eyebrows. "This is your floor." The republic agent responded in relief and the redhead stepped off.

Ranah tried to cool down as she entered the lounge. The Jedi hadn't even noticed the two pairs of eyes on her. The two males in there quickly noticed her presence. "Padawan?" Obi-Wan asked and Ranah finally realized who was standing before her, she took another step forward and raised one eyebrow "Jedi, actually." she replied before a grin spread across her face. "I can't believe this! I've already reunited with Padmè and now you too? What are you doing here?" Anakin spoke up. "Ah, so Padmè is Senator Amidala." Ranah pieced things together. "You're the Jedi assisting us?" Obi-Wan asked, Ranah could sense how frayed his nerves were. Her face twisted in confusion "Yes? Is there going to be an issue?" she questioned. "No, Not at all." Obi-Wan smiled slightly. Anakin smirked "It's just nice to have you back, we missed you." he added.

Ranah had wandered out to the balcony while Obi-Wan and Anakin chatted. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, the jedi was having a hard time concealing everything. This fire inside her was beginning to grow out of control. Three years ago when Ranah was transferred to the apprenticeship under Nausikaa she had good reason to be angry and sad. All she had known to grow and love since she was young had been stripped away from her. By letting these feelings in, Ranah assumed that she could never push them back out. Her green eyes blinked as she stared out at the skyline, she wanted to scream. The Pluvian should be happy she's reunited with her former master and former love, but instead she was seething.

Behind her Ranah heard the door open, she took a second to try and appear calm and put together. Even if everything was going to hell she at least needed to seem like a proper Jedi Knight. The redhead had no time to adapt to her surrounding and figure out if it was Obi-Wan or Anakin who had joined her. Whoever it was stood next to her on the balcony. Ranah tore her eyes from the skyline to look next to her "Hello Anakin" she said quietly not able to bring a polite smile to her face. "Hello Ranah" he replied just as quiet leaning forward against the railing. "Although most of my focus is on protecting Padmè I can tell you're troubled." The boy said bluntly. "Only a Padawan and you're already so strong in the force Ani. It's only been 3 years and I felt like I've missed everything." Ranah said with a sigh fleetly dancing around his statement. "You've missed a lot, but I'm still not a Jedi and you are." Anakin pointed out.

Ranah was a Jedi, but she wasn't feeling like a very good one. With what she was feeling and decisions she has made Ranah barely felt noble enough to have the title of Jedi Knight. "Yes, but I am older than you Anakin. You have seemed to forgotten we are both talented and strong in the force. Be patient and trust Obi-Wan's teaching and you will become a Jedi before you know it." Ranah replied. "Well now you're starting to sound like the masters." Anakin responded with a smile and slight laugh. Ranah smiled back.

"So Ani how's your secret love affair going with the Senator." She teased and Anakin was still smiling but his eyes seemed frustrated. "She's barely aknowledged me." He explained and Ranah turned to him shrugging "You always find away Anakin. Keep it up, just don't scare her away. Now head back inside and focus on protecting her. This frustration is clouding your attention. " Ranah said shooing him away "Stop treating me like we're not equal." Anakin joked. "Sure thing Padawan" Ranah teased as he left.

Ranah's break from her alone time was short lived. Soon after Anakin left she heard him and Obi-Wan arguing. Didn't she just tell Ani to listen to his Master? The Jedi hoped it would stop, but it seemed it wasn't going to. The young woman stepped to the door and opened it just slightly so she could peek her head through. "Be quiet, you two might wake the Senator with all of that bickering. " she scolded before retreating back outdoors. "Back to my thoughts." Ranah mumbled and slowly ran her fingers through her hair.

Moments later Obi-Wan stepped out onto the balcony. Ranah could still tell he was tense just this time she figured it was because of Anakin. "Hello Master" she greeted him. "Please Ranah. You are no longer my apprentice we are equal." Obi-Wan smiled. "I'm just using the proper manners you've taught Anakin and I" she shrugged. "Anakin has seemed to forgotten. His ego has gotten worse he won't listen to me." The Jedi master said his words sharper. "Yes, I know. I've talked with him hopefully given him useful advice." Ranah said looking over to the man trying to offer him some comfort, she tried to think of a time she's seen him distressed. It was silent, Ranah then placed her hand on Obi-Wan's shoulder. Just like he had with her just before Ranah met Nausikaa. Cautiously he turned and looked at Ranah's hand. The redhead was afraid he might yell at her physical contact was seldom appropriate among Jedi, but Obi-Wan just pulled her into a hug. "Thank you." he said whispered "Of course." Ranah answered with nod. "You're struggling too. You've changed" Obi-Wan said as he broke the hug his touch haunting her "It has been 3 years Obi-Wan I am a Jedi now. Not only am I different but so is the galaxy. Things are changing it's very distressing." Ranah explained. This was partly true, but that wasn't the elephant in the room. Had she gotten this bad at hiding it? "I'm aware we're very close in age and have similar minds. I understand how that's vexing. But, I sense this worry and conflict within you." He further informed her. As if by the will of the gods Ranah looked at Obi-Wan and his face indicated the same thing as hers Padmè. "We'll talk later." He said reaching for his lightsaber.

Ranah grabbed her Saber and rushed into Senator Amidala's room. Anakin was just ahead of her and had killed whatever was going to cause the Senator harm. Padmè woke up an looked around distressed, Anakin was right she is beautiful. Before Ranah had time to soothe her Obi-Wan had jump through the window after something. Anakin rushed out and Padmè's staff rushed in. Panic overwhelmed her "Obi-Wan!" Ranah shouted plunging out of the window after him.

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