II: Chapter 6

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Ranah hated this planet. She didn't take a particular liking to insects and Geonosis was crawling with man-sized bugs. These were creatures she would not hesitate to kill. It wasn't just that, the landscape was all large boulders and sand. It bothered her, she'd rather be on Pluv or Dantooine. Brown boots came into contact with the surface below her as she looked around. Did Palpatine have to be so vague? She was growing more annoyed by the second, she wanted to find Dooku, start her training, and wrap it up just as quickly. The redhead was hesitant to ask locals, since they were all huge and disgusting. Despite The Chancellor telling her to kill whomever she wished, The Jedi saw no point in attacking civilians unless necessary, but her frustration was close to driving her to that. There was no point in asking any of them, they didn't speak basic. 

Ranah thought she might finally have a lead, the structure that lay ahead was by far the largest she'd seen on the planet. It seemed plausible that Dooku would be in there. As she was headed towards it she sensed the presence of Geonosians. They were trailing her, couldn't anyone mind their own business?She reached down grabbing for her lightsaber, and before she had the chance to turn around and yell at the natives the glowing green of her saber met her face. "People really need to quit messing with me today." There were four of the insectoids surrounding her. The redhead smirked, almost felt a chuckle escape into the air. They all lunged towards her at the same time. She ducked, that was enough to send two of them running into each other and falling down. She sliced their heads off for good measure. The other two Geonosians were just as easy for Ranah to defeat. She swung at the first one, leaving it's arm to fall to the ground. While the creature was doubled over in pain, she ran her lightsaber right through the middle of it. The last one had sneaked up behind her and placed it's slimy hands around her neck. She didn't hesitate to grab onto this Geonosians wrists and back flip over it, and it didn't take long after that to cut the creature in half. A sigh of relief left Ranah's cracked lips. It was like she had reached an itch she was unable to scratch. The redhead didn't try to hide the bodies. She left them there as an example.


It was dark inside. No windows were open, and it smelled of oil. Was this place a factory? Ranah pushed her questions aside, those could wait until after she found Count Dooku. She heard footsteps turn the corner behind her, she reached for her lightsaber. The Jedi turned and saw a man. "Dooku?" she asked. An unsettling smile crept onto his face "Ah, Zahar, it's just you. Your arrival has been anxiously awaited."  His voice sent chills up her spine, just like Palpatine's did. "Did you have a hard time finding me?" Dooku asked, as the two began walking down the hallways. "Yes." she blurted, Count Dooku smiled as if that was planned. "I think we're a lot alike Ranah. I too used to be a Jedi." "I still am a Jedi." Dooku cleared his throat. "I don't think Jedi kill as frequently as you do." he explained. "Well they don't I'm here to become a better Jedi. Chancellor Palpatine said you must stu-" she was cut off. "Study the Dark to defeat it I know. I'm just saying the prophecy written about you could easily mean you help the Sith Empire return and balance out the unjust rule of the Jedi order." Dooku shrugged. "Anakin's the chosen one not me." Ranah looked down. "I'm aware. There's two prophecies, now that we know Anakin is the chosen one we can determine the second one is about you. Did the council not tell you?" "No Sir." she said still looking at the floor. "The council must not trust you. tsk tsk." he shook his head. Her green eyes remained watching her moving feet. "What does the prophecy read?" she asked. Dooku grabbed his lightsaber, placing it beneath her chin. "You look at me when speaking apprentice." he scolded. Ranah swallowed the lump in her throat as she looked up, this was not the leniency she was used to receiving from Nausikaa or Obi-Wan."Yes, sir." she said narrowing her eyes. "Yes, Master." Dooku corrected. The redhead shook her head "I have not sworn myself to your teachings yet. Yes, sir." she said defiantly. "You will not speak to me in this way." Count Dooku insisted. "If I've observed things correctly, this whole thing is about me. The prophecy you won't tell me that could benefit you speaks of me. So i'd watch how you speak to me." she reached for her lightsaber.

Things finally settled down after sparring with the Count. The fight ended before either of them became seriously wounded. Perhaps this plan of hers may be more difficult than expected. If Ranah wanted to get through this quick, she'd at least have to pretend to be an obedient pet. She was sick of all these rules. Right now she just wished that she was with Anakin and Obi-Wan. "Will you please tell me my prophecy now?" she piped up. Count Dooku sighed "Yes, fine it reads; Together with the chosen one, daughter of ash and blood, will bring balance to the force- along with the equipoise of their ancestral derivation." he said from memory. "The last part seems a bit personal, but point is you and Anakin are to bring the justice this Galaxy deserves." he added in. Ranah said nothing. Did the council not think it important enough to tell her? She was sick of being overlooked and the second best to Anakin. The Jedi loved the kid to death, but he was only a Padawan how come none of her accomplishments were ever commended? Dooku's chilling voice interrupted her thoughts. "Are you ready to get to training?" he questioned. She nodded, kneeling to the ground. "I, Ranah Zahar subject myself to your teachings, Master." 


A/N: This chapter was kind of short, but I think you're all gonna enjoy the next few chapters. There will probably be 2-3 more chapters in this part. Hope you enjoyed. (:

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