III: Chapter One

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Her nightmare was perplexing. She saw nothing more than flashing images, noises, or feelings. The most distressing included lava, a crying child, and an overwhelming sense of tragedy. Ranah sat up right in bed, Obi-Wan's arms still around her waist. She gently removed the arms of her fiancé from her body. The young woman loved the man to death, but she just couldn't deal with him right now. Her bare feet met the cold marble floor as she moved out to the balcony to think. Nimble fingers moved from their entanglement in red roots down a pale face, a pair of green eyes emerging between them. Ranah felt sick to her stomach, she leaned over the edge and vomited. What was so alarming about the nightmare? She couldn't seem to shake it. The brisk air shrouding the night sky felt different, and she couldn't put a finger on it. It frustrated her.

She heard no footsteps, but she felt the presence. "Why aren't you in bed dear?" Obi-Wan asked, joining Ranah out on the balcony. "I could ask you the same question." she argued. "Don't be difficult with me right now. I am tired." he yawned. "As am I." She responded. "What's troubling you?" Obi-Wan questioned placing his hands on the woman's shoulders. "Nothing darling go back to sleep." She persisted. "The last time you treated me like this you were becoming corrupted." He pointed out. "I am not battling the darkness. I had an unsettling nightmare, Obi-Wan." she snapped. "Do you want to talk about it?" He offered. "No, go back to bed. I'll join you in time." She said firmly. There was no arguing with her when she was like this. Obi-Wan went back to bed, and as promised Ranah eventually joined him.

Morning came and Ranah still felt nauseous. She wasn't aware that a dream could bring physical ailments. She rubbed her eyes, and looked around. Obi-Wan was gone. He must have needed to do something important. She got up and threw the silk covers off of herself. Why did feel it so hot? The woman shook the feeling and walked out to the balcony. She sat down on her knees and closed her eyes. She tried to relax as the harsh morning sun came into contact with her face. It was never hard for Ranah to meditate, but today she couldn't focus. The screaming in her nightmare echoed in her mind, she felt dizzy, and queasy. Green eyes shot open as she dashed to the edge of the balcony and vomited again. The Jedi was breathing heavily,and her legs felt like jelly. The redhead leaned against the barrier between her apartment and the city below. Obi-Wan came home at the worst possible time, the last thing Ranah wanted was for him to worry about her. He rushed out to his fiancé "What's wrong darling?" he asked helping her stand up, and guiding her inside. "I'm fine dear." she promised slowly sitting down on the white couch. "Stop this. It is evident you are not fine so there's no point in dancing around me." he replied, sitting down next to her. "it's just that nightmare Obi-Wan. It's making me feel bilious." she explained. "Are you sure it's the dream and you're not just sick?" he suggested. "If I could explain to you how terrifying it was I could, but I want to move on from it. Perhaps that will help me feel better." she proposed. The man nodded "If you would excuse me, I need to get ready I have a class to teach today." she said briskly. "Go ahead." Obi-Wan sighed. Ranah got up and head to the bathroom to try and prepare herself for the day.


Ranah had a smile plastered to her face for the rest of the day. Instructing younglings brought her pure joy. She took her time walking down the hall to get back to the apartment. She was stopped by Anakin. "Hello, Ani." she grinned. "Just got done teaching class?" he guessed, and the redhead nodded. "Yes, there's this girl who's so gifted in the force, I can't wait to watch her progression." she enthused. "You'd be such a great mother, Ranah." Anakin said. "Yes, I'm sure the Council would love that. Besides, I'd need a man for that. Which also isn't allowed." she shook her head. "Well there's Obi-Wan." he smirked. "We're just friends Ani, how many times must I tell you that." The woman hated lying to him. "If anything you and Padmé should be the first to have children." she teased, Anakin placed his hand over her mouth. "Sh!" he hissed. Ranah laughed removing his hand, "C'mon Ani, I'm just happy for the both of you." she shrugged. "Well it's not like it happened last week." he said sheepishly. "Well that's when I found out." she countered. "Okay fair, point. I have to go attend a meeting. It's about the Chancellor, we've got a rough idea of how to rescue him." Anakin said, giving Ranah a quick hug goodbye. Her throat tightened at the thought of Palpatine, but she said nothing. She was too afraid. The Jedi forced a smile, "See you around Ani, take good care of that girl. And do something about that mop on your head!"


"You can't go on that mission!" Ranah exclaimed. "Dear, why are you so upset about this. We have to rescue the Chancellor." Obi-Wan attempted to reason. "I don't like the man." she declared. "I don't either, but most of the republic does which is why I must go. I can't leave Anakin to do this alone." he said apologetically. "Anakin is a Jedi now, and more importantly not your fiancé" she snubbed. "Are you jealous of him? What's going on? You're acting very strange today" The man stated.  "I'm sorry. Go on the mission just come back safe. Please." The woman said quietly. "I always do don't I?" he assured. "Yes, but one day you might not." she mumbled, not meeting his gaze. Obi-Wan wanted to say not to think like that, but the redhead wasn't thinking illogically. It remained silent. "Goodnight darling." Ranah sighed, and shuffled off to bed.


A/N: So this was definitely just a lowkey filler chapter. it's kinda garbage, but I promise the next chapter is gonna get better. It'll be a lot less lame. Okay thanks all.

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