III: Chapter 6

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"The younglings didn't even survive." Obi-Wan frowned as he walked throughout the classroom, his entire being swelled with devastation. That was when things got even worse. The man saw Ranah on the floor. He couldn't tell if she was unconscious or dead. He rushed to her body, pulling it into his lap. "Please be alive." he muttered. The woman stirred, her eyes fluttering open. "Obi-Wan." she whispered feeling instantly more awake. "Obi-Wan I had this awful dream. Anakin killed younglings, he-" she started frantically then looked around her. It was improper. It wasn't the Jedi way, but Ranah cried. Their faces had such light, they all had dreams and Anakin murdered all of that senselessly. The woman's eyes were drawn to the crib. This was when Ranah couldn't control herself she began to sob. "Malia-- Anakin -- killed the baby." she shook her head the pain felt like it would never end, her heart felt empty. Ranah failed. She failed as a teacher, as friend, as a mother. 

"Should we look?"

"No Obi-Wan, No I -- I couldn't stand it."


Despite her more composed appearance, Ranah was losing it inside. It wasn't easy talking to Padmé about Anakin. It was hard enough on the Senator, so the Jedi mentioned nothing of Malia. Even though she was so clearly conflicted Padmé wouldn't give up Anakin's location. So that only left Obi-Wan and Ranah to sneak aboard her ship. It was when they stowed away Ranah could finally release her heartache. The whole journey she clung to Obi-Wan. The redhead would burst out into fits of tears, and once she began to calm down the hysterical sobs would cycle around again. It wasn't just losing her daughter, but the woman was well aware that if they couldn't pull Anakin back to the light everything  would change. "How are you always so strong?" she asked Obi-Wan solemnly. "I'm not, but I know you need me right now, and I will never let you down." he promised. She looked down at her engagement ring. "Thank you." she whispered.


Obi-Wan and Anakin went at each other like animals, luckily he spared Ranah the details. She would've assisted Obi-Wan, but she couldn't bring herself to fight Anakin again. It didn't seem real that her friend was so far gone. The woman refused to leave Padmé's side. She was so weak, and the Jedi didn't know if she could handle more death and tragedy. Ranah was also unsure of what would become of the child her friend was carrying. What life would they lead knowing what became of their father? That poor baby. 


For what seemed like the billionth time Ranah found herself crying. All in less than 24 hours she witnessed the death of younglings, her daughter, Anakin Skywalker (not in the literal sense.), and nowPadmé Amidala. Obi-Wan was the only one she had left. Turns out Padmé was carrying twins; Luke and Leia. It made the Jedi think back to when the Senator visited her a couple of months ago just after Malia was born. Malia... How could Anakin slaughter a baby so mercilessly. The cold distant look in his eyes would haunt Ranah for the rest of her life. That man was not the goofy kid she spent her glory years with. She was waiting for this nightmare to end. None of this seemed real. 


 The woman had a hard time focusing on the conversation around her. "I will go to Tatooine to watch over the boy." Obi-Wan spoke up. Now she was losing Obi-Wan. He wasn't dying, but they had to separate. Everything flooded onto Ranah at once, but she kept a straight face. "I'll go to Alderaan and keep an eye over Leia. She will have a family, but deserves a protector at least." she offered up. The redhead was determined to make herself apart of this child's life for Padmé, and if she could Ranah would insert herself into Luke's life too. "settled it is." Yoda declared. 

Hours later, Ranah stood on a ship prepared to leave. Obi-Wan stood on the ground watching her. They couldn't exchange words. Even if they could what would they say? I'm sorry the Galaxy is so messed up even though it really isn't either of our fault's. Words just didn't seem fitting so they just watched longingly from a distance. When it was time for the ship to leave, Ranah waved a quick goodbye to Obi-Wan, hoping to be reunited with him soon. She slipped aboard and sat down. Green eyes set on her engagement ring, and the woman couldn't stop the tears from sliding down her face.

The Jedi Temple remained empty apart from rotting corpses. An eerie silence consumed the space. It was still. A cloaked figure sneaked into the Temple, moving swiftly around any possible traps and staying concealed. The figure entered Ranah's old classroom. Delicate and careful feet quickly and gingerly stepped around the bodied scattered across the ground and over to a crib. The figure looked down into the crib. Green eyes blinked up at the figure. "You're alive?" The person beneath the hood mumbled to herself. "I will take care of you. At least until you can walk and talk. After that you will go. You must have no memory of me." the figure said more so to herself than the baby. When the figure attempted to reach for the small being the child let out an ear-splitting cry pierced the quiet air.

If one thing was clear, 

even at a few months old,

Malia Kenobi had quite the pair of lungs on her. 


A/N: So this is the last chapter, I know it's pretty weak I'm sorr. (':. poor space children. anyway, there's going to be an epilogue and a final authors night. Sorry this was kind of short I just had to wrap it all up. 

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