Chapter Three: Dominance

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Hux PoV

Today was going well for me. The base was moving smoothly in terms of production, the trooper cadets were being trained at the highest of standards. In fact, I had originally been positively brimming with optimism.

That is, however, until I received words that today was the day that I was to take a stormtrooper squad and Kylo Ren to Cloud City. A man by the name of Lando Calrissian had been found there. Apparently he had information pertaining to the whereabouts of Skywalker.

I mulled on this as I got ready to pick out a squad of troopers to accompany Ren and I. Lando Calrissian had been a resistance fighter once upon a time and a good friend of the famous smuggler and war hero, Han Solo. I wondered what had changed such that Calrissian would help us find Skywalker.

There were a few options. One was that Calrissian had seen the error of his ways and bowed to the power of the First Order. Another option was that it was a trap and Calrissian was luring Ren and I into it. I doubted either of these. Calrissian seemed stubborn and although he was a businessman and seemingly rational, there was apparently another side to him. It was sneakier and harder, like a smuggler. That is what caused me to suspect a double cross, but I did not think it would be an obviously cliched move. My most likely guess was that when we arrived, he would give us some vague bit of information and try to weasel whatever he could out of us.

I was still thinking deeply about this when I boarded the transport ship with Ren and four hand picked troopers of Phasma's choosing. In all honesty I trusted her judgment more than mine, which is why I had deferred that task to her. If there was one person I interacted with on the base that I respected, it was Captain Phasma. She was fierce, loyal,  disciplined, and ruthless. She was a natural leader and an amazing fighter.

"What's the matter, General? You seem, disconcerted." Ren turned to face  me.

"None of your concern." I replied stiffly. "Ascend." I commanded the trooper piloting the vessel. "But we do need to talk, Ren. Privately."

"Of course," he replied just as coldly as I had. "Whatever you need, General Hux."

I walked with the dark warrior back to the cabin area and sat down at the small table. "I think that this is a ruse and that we might be walking in to a trap."

"What makes you think that?" Ren's tone was doubtful and almost scornful.

"Why would one of Luke Skywalker's best friends betray him? Calrissian fought with Skywalker and Solo and all of the other legends. I feel like this isn't an ambush, but that Calrissian is letting himself be bait." I paused.

"Go on." Ren gestured at me. He seemed interested.

"I feel as if he probably does have some sort of rare information, but said information is vague enough to be near useless. Meanwhile, he will try to squeeze out any information on our doings. He will bring it back to the Resistance."

"That's a good thought, General," Ren responded, "we ought to keep the possibility of betrayal in mind."

I was surprised at his willingness to agree with me. "It will take a little bit of time to get to Cloud City. I'm going to compile some reports. Sleep. Or meditate. Or whatever you Force users do when bored."

I shut the cabin door behind me. I joined the trooper in the cockpit. I settled into the copilot's chair. "Status update?" I demanded.

"Just made the jump to light speed, general. We ought to be there in about fifteen standards hours. You can just sit back and relax, sir."

"Thank you." I believed in treating my subordinates with respect. That was the best way to earn respect and loyalty.

"Anything else you need, General?" The trooper looked at me.

"Not really. I'm going to compile some data. Trying to calculate what will be needed for the completion of certain areas of Starkiller Base." Some might have thought I was too open with my men, but I believed firmly in keeping people in the know, as long as it was not major news. I had no reason to hide the fact that I was monitoring the figures for Starkiller Base.

"Alright then, General." The trooper went back to checking the controls on the ship as I went back into the cabin area, hoping to find a place where I could sit and work, away from Kylo.

I cracked open the door of the cabin and peered in. Ren's back was to me. He was curled up on one of the bunks. His helmet was set on a small table.

Curiosity overwhelmed me as I drew near to his sleeping form. What lay under the mask? I peered over his shoulder and saw his face.

His face was pale skin framed with curly, dark hair down to his shoulders and long eyelashes and a strong and slightly crooked nose. His lips were full and he had a strong jawline. He was undeniably attractive and I stood there wondering what to do.

No one knew how I felt. No one knew, or ever would know, of the attraction I had towards the beauty of man. Right in front of me, asleep, was someone who went above and beyond my idea of attractive. Yet, he was everything I was against.

Struck by a sudden inspiration, I carefully bent down and pocketed his lightsaber. I felt a small modicum of pity for what I was going to do, but if this mission was to be a success, I had to do it. Careful not to wake Ren, I walked back up to the cockpit and slumped down in my seat.

"You alright, General? Reports going alright?"

"Yes. Fine." My mind had lost focus. I had to reign it back, establish dominance, not this petty attraction. I could not feel bad for what I had done. It was for the good of the First Order.

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