Chapter Fifty One: Endgame

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Hux PoV

The next month passed in a whirlwind for me. It was all crazy passion and impulsive romance, but I did not regret it. I did not think Kylo regretted it either. He seemed happier than I had ever seen him. The only downside was Kylo's frustration at having to stay on the base, given Snoke's lack of trust in him.

Kylo was not someone who would be happy training troopers or sitting and filing things. He wanted action and fighting and doing what he did best. I hoped that Snoke would realize Kylo's talents someday.

We spent almost every night together in each other's embrace. I looked forward to sleeping in bed with Kylo and feeling his body press against mine and his breathing against my neck. Sometime, I would just watch him sleep and wish that those moments would last forever.

Today was a big day in that for the first time in a month both I and Kylo had receive summons from Snoke. Neither of us knew why, and I was frankly nervous. I knew that it was irrational to fear a hologram, but I feared Snoke. I had seen how he could manipulate people. I had reaped the consequences of him trying terrorizing Kylo into shunning and ostracizing me.

He had almost succeeded and as much as I knew that both Kylo and I loved each other, I also knew the power of mental suggestions. When I met Kylo outside the entrance to the hologram chamber I kissed the mouth piece of his mask. It was trite but something that he liked. He always kept his mask on in public so if I wanted to kiss him I had to do it on his mask.

"I wonder what this is about?" I asked Kylo. He was Snoke's apprentice. He probably knew more than I did. Granted if he knew anything, I would think he would tell me, right?

"I have no idea. Hopefully I can do missions again. I can't stand being so lazy and useless."  Kylo was beyond frustrated.

"I have faith in you." I said. "You'll be out in the stars in no time. Just I want to go with you at least sometimes. You need a guardian." I winked at him, something I rarely did.

"Oh be quiet." He laughed a little and squeezed my hand. "Let's get this over with. Then our day will be over and we can get some poor quality cafeteria type food then sleep together."

He had the dry sense of humor most often seen in a teenager, but it was so charming. Kylo could make most things look good, at least to me. But I was a little bit biased.

"Into the belly of the beast," I said opening the door. "Remember I love you."

"You too," Kylo replied,"just remember what happens when we get through this."

We both walked to the area below where Snoke's hologram sat on its throne.

"Supreme Leader," I addressed him,"you asked to see us?"

"Yes. I have sensed something. Something disturbing, an imbalance in the mind of my apprentice. Something has changed in him." Snoke paused. "It brings him dangerously close to the Light Side."

"Why have you summoned me?" I was confused now, and simultaneously knew what Snoke's problem was. Love was not a dark emotipn. "I am not a Force user."

"No, but you are what influences him. You defied my orders, General. You have stayed in a relationship with Kylo Ren." Snoke's tone became dangerous and icy. I gulped and moved backwards. Kylo followed me more slowly.

"He did nothing." Kylo spoke for the first time. I stiffened. I could not let Kylo endanger himself to his master for me. He seemed not to noticed my nervousness as he continued. "I love him. I can still rule with a lover. We will rule together. With your training and his skill, we can rule the galaxy. This is a non-negotiable, Master. I would listen to you, but in this matter, I have made my choice." He took me by the arm and took off his helmet. "I love you, General Hux. I want you to rule with me. We will rule the galaxy and bring order. The two are not non exclusives."

"This. Is. Unacceptable. " Snoke's voice went cold and furious. "What about an apprentice? This General who you have entertained yourself with is only your means to an end. When you met, that was how you felt. You would have been happy to kill him when you met. It's only been a few months. How could this change happen?!"

"Does it matter?" Kylo retorted. "I will not change my mind."

"Be careful, Kylo." I whispered to him. I did not want his boldness killing him.

"This ends now. Snoke. Don't be mistaken I will rule, but I don't need you to do it. I will remain in the Order, but no longer will I hide my feelings for you. The end is now. Today ends my fear of you winning over my love for General Hux."

He grabbed me and kissed me passionately and naturally, I responded likewise, more in love with Kylo than ever.

"Get out. NOW!!" Snoke yelled.

We both ran out. When the door shut, separating us, I looked at Kylo in mingled love and horror.

"What have we done?" I asked him, trying not to shake. We might have just enraged the most powerful being in the galaxy.

"Began the end of this. We need to find the final piece of that map, because when Skywalker dies, then I can end Snoke. I want to rule with you. We can co-rule as the new emperors. You can be the emperor and I will be your Darth Vader. Would that not be beautiful?"

The idea of ruling with the man I loved beside me made everything in me happy. I would be the ultimate ruler and he had said himself he would be my dark knight. We would be the ultimate power. We would restore the galaxy and rule it in the image of the empire. The endgame had begun. It was a race against both Snoke and the Resistance to kill Skywalker ourselves. It was a game we had to win.

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