[ observing ]

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[ 29.01.16 ]

I crumpled the sticky note in my hands and put it inside my school bag. "What did he gave you?" Hale asked me. I sighed and pulled the paper out again and showed it to him. He scans it and his eyes widened. "No way. They're observing you?" He asked in shocked.

"What does that even mean?" I asked him. He shooks his head in dissapointment. "Being observed by The Observer isn't a good thing, man." He said. Not a good thing? Will I die?

I was about to ask something when the Mr. Lanerick tells us what to do with the paper he gave all of us. "Get your pens ready on the table. I'm going to put you in pairs, I'm putting you all in a school History pro-" He was interuppted by the sounds of groans and feet stomping of my classmates. "You just freaking got here!" My classmate, Sarah shouted.

He smirks and waits for them to stop being children. "Done? Good, as I was saying. I'm pairing you kids in a school History project. It'll be about the History of Southeast Asia. I want you to make a big, full world map of it. Coloured, detailed in one big manila card." He said and the class became quiet. "The full mark is 100, guys." He adds and some made relieved sounds. At least the marks for it is worth it to try.

"A map of Southeast Asia, right?" Hale asked me and I nodded my head. "And he said, he'll do the pairings for the project." He said quietly and dramatically puts his hand on his forehead 'gracefully'

"Okay, quiet. I'm going to say your names and who you'll be with in this project.
Jessica and Logan,
Jasper and Jason,
Hale and Chase,
Robert and Finnick,
Kylan and George,
Samnerson and Liam,
Niall and Liam, ( NIAM FEELS )
Louis and Harry ( LARRY FEELS ),
Mi********* and.."

I looked at him and waited for him to continue. And what? Wait, a minute. I looked around the class and looked for someone who's available but I see none. Everybody's already paired and I'm not. I don't want to work alone.

"Don't worry. You'll be paired with Leon." He said as he saw the worry written all over my face. Leon? Who the hell is that?

"Who's Leon?" I asked him. I don't think there's a Leon in this class. He smiles at me and proceeds to do his stuff. He didn't answer my question! "Go to your partners' table, Mi*** just sit there. Leon's near." He said. Is he mental or something?

Sam gives me a symphatic look and mouths something to me but I couldn't understand making him roll his eyes. He walks to my table and bends down to my ear. "The Observer is looking at you." He whispers in my ear. "What the actual heck is that?" I asked him in frustration. He smiles at me, wait no he isn't. He's smiling at something behind me. I turned my head back and saw nothing. "Who are you smiling at?" I asked him. "You'll see." He said and walks away from.

You'll see.


Second chapter guys. Short but it'll get better! I promise! ❇

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