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[ 01.02.16 ]

I waited for this Leon guy, everyone else was already discussing what to do in this History project and I'm just sitting here like an idiot doing nothing. I thought about The Observer they keep telling me about. Mr. Lanerick just goes around to each desk checking what's up.

Then the door open and guy with black hair and a red streak walks in and seated himself in a seat next to me. "So are you Leon?" I asked slowly. He looks at me and nods his head. "Okay, um.. are you new here? I've never seen you before." I asked - said.

"And you'll never see me again." He said, looking straight in to my eyes.

And you'll never see me again.


I felt a lump in my throat and shifted unconfortably in my chair. I decided that we should get started and he agrees saying, "You're right. We should do this fast or you'll never see me again."

Never see me again.

What does he even mean by that? Why is everyone so confusing?

"Can I ask you something?" I asked him and he nods his head.

"What's The Observer? Everyone's had been talking about it. And my friend, Hale said it's observing me, whatever the hell he means." I said and he smiles at me then nods his head in happiness. How I know his mood when he nodded his head? I don't even know.

"If The Observer is observing you, it obviously means that he's attracted to you. He likes you. Maybe even loves you if you're lucky." He says to me. Wait, The Observer is a he?

How am I being loved by The Observer a lucky thing? I don't even know him. I don't even know what he looks like.

"You'll see." Leon said.

Did I say that out loud? I looked at him in irritation. "That's what they said." I told him, referring to what Cheyenne and Mr. Lanerick said earlier and he nods his head.

"He is near. There's a chance you might see him." Leon said. I shook my head, I already have so much to think about. I don't want this Observer guy to add more of my problems. I don't want to see him.

No thanks.

"You don't want to see him? Why not?" He asked, with a hint of sadness in his eyes for some reasons I can't find why. "He could be a rapist. Or just a myth. You get what I'm saying?" I asked. Wow, that sounded harsh.

"Don't worry about it. Observers are kind, loyal, trustworthy. They'll never hurt you." He says.

"How do you know so much about them?" I asked. He smiles and was about to say something when Mr. Lanerick disturbed our conversation. "Getting confortable, are you?" He asked us with a smug smirk creeping on his God-like face..

It's Sam's words, not mine. He texted me about it a minute ago. That kid likes older men for some reason. Kinky.

We looked at the teacher, still not answering his question. "You guys have been talking a lot than you should be. I'm hoping it's about the project." He said. We just kept quiet and he lets out a small hum. "That's what I thought." He said.

"I'm giving you boys a week to finish this project." A week? Just a week?

"A week? But you said you're giving us tw-"

"Two weeks to finish it. Yes, now you have a week to finish it. Good luck, boys." He said, quite happily. Okay, he's a devil in disguise.

He smiles at us then walks away to another students' desk. Well shitted.

"I guess we'll be seeing eachother a lot now." He said happily and I rolled my eyes. This dude is so creepy and I have to spend my time with him in this History project. This is terrible.

"And I guess you'll see me one more time." Why the heck does he keep saying that? Is he going to die or something?

"No, I'm not dying or anything. It's just complicated." He said, worries covering his face. Wait a minute. How did he know I asked that? Eh.

"Are you going somewhere?" I asked. He smiles at me and shook his head no. Then what? What do you mean? I asked mentally since he can read my mind.. or I said it out loud.

"You'll see."


My hair just got stucked in my comb. Sad life. xx - C U P C A K E M A F I A S O

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