[ wtf ]

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Apparently, Lord Obso considered the idea and let Midas and I out. Which shocked me to the core but I couldn't ask for more.

Midas and I walked out of the hidden kingdom of Obso and went far from the said area to get a taxi. "That escalated quick." I said and Midas nodded his head. "True but at least we're not hurt." Midas said with a cute smile and hummed in agreement.

"Are we safe now?" He asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know, maybe."

We caught sight of an incoming taxi and we made it stop for us. The taxi driver motions for us to come in and we did. "To where, sirs?" The driver asked. Midas told him the location we needed to head to and the taxi driver nodded his head.

He was about to drive out of the area when something suddenly fell on top of the car's roof. All three of us looked at each other with confused looks. "What the hell--" The driver trailed off.

Whatever it was, came down off the car roof and we saw a dark silhouette of a bulky man, his back facing us and on my side of the car. Midas held on to my arm in fear and whispered that we should run away. I tried to open the door on Midas' side but it jammed locked and the taxi driver said his prayers.

The man turned around. I could see him smiling at the three of us and he laughed. "The king.." He started. "is so easily distracted. I couldn't believe he let you out.. what a stupid man."

Oh shit.

"If he won't lock you up, then I will." He ripped the taxi door open and grabbed me and threw me out of the car. He grabbed a hold of my mate instead and before I could save him, he was gone in a blink of an eye.

The man took my lover away. My lover was gone. Again.. fuck it.

Life's a bitch.

The Observer (BoyxBoy) ✔Where stories live. Discover now