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"What was that?!" Midas yelled as the ground shook like it was an earthquake. Maybe it was.

"Come with me, Midas!" I heard someone shouted to Midas. I turned towards the voice and it was a man. He saw me and was suddenly in front of me and knocked me over, he had me flying towards the wall.

"I can't fucking see, Sam. What the fuck?" Midas said angrily at to whom he thought was me.

My eyesight was getting blurry from the sudden blow but I could see the man took Midas' hand and dragged him away. I tried to get up but I fell back down.

Gosh.. this is such an embarrassment, I only had one job and I screwed it up.

The guys are going to kill me.

The ground was still shaking but I couldn't hear or see Midas anymore.

I am trained by my ex-boyfriend's friend who is the boss of the American mafia and I just got hit like that and I'm down?

For fucks sake!

"Sam? Sam! Are you okay?" I heard someone shouted. "Who is it?" I asked and I heard a dramatic gasp.

"It's me.. Zack."

Ah, I was just talking about you to the readers, ass hat.

"What happened?" I groaned and told him to pull me up to my feet.

"Someone barged in and knocked me off and he took Midas." I said to him and he sighed deeply.

"Now, where are we going to look for him now?" I asked.

Zack looked around then looked back at me. I raised an eyebrow. "Well? Any ideas?" I asked and Zack shook his head. "I don't know what to do, Sam.."

The Observer (BoyxBoy) ✔Where stories live. Discover now