[ killers love me ]

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I got out of the car and thanked Leon. He smiles at me and nods his head. "Be safe. Call me whenever. If you see anything suspicious, don't hesitate to tell me." I nodded my head.

He smiles again and gives me a curt nod then drives away from me.

I sighed and walked towards my house. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it. The door opened and I see my mom with an apron wrapped around her. She must be cooking at the moment.

"Hey mom." I greeted and she greets me back nicely. I got inside and closed it back.

"So how was the project with your friend? Was he cute? If he is, go ask him on a date!" My mom rambled as we walked into the kitchen. I chuckled. "Yeah, he's cute." I said and she squeals. Aww, my mom is so cute.

"Will I ever see him?" She asked. I shrugged my shoulders, "Maybe."

I told my mom I'll be upstairs in my room and she nods her head.

I walked up the stairs and went into my bedroom. Who is that guy? Why is he killing observers? I asked myself.

I shrugged my shoulders and felt my phone vibrated. I pulled it out of my bag and saw that it was a call from Hale. I answered it and Hale greets me.

"Have you finish your History project?" He asked.

"Just a bit more, why? And hey, I need to send the project early because.. reasons." I said. He hums and tells me it's nothing wrong.

"Nothing much. See you at school tomorrow." He says and hangs up before I could answer him back. Okay. I don't know what that's about.

"- and so she fell and I was just laughing my freaking ass off. You should've seen her face when she fell, it was priceless-" Hale rambles.

Girl fell, he laughed, he looks at her face, blah blah blah. Hale, you're a gossip girl.

Every one suddenly shuts up their mouths because the door swung open. Mr. Benson's here. I wonder why. This isn't English yet.

"Sorry to bother you kids, but Mr. Rhodes couldn't make it today because of some illness. There won't be any substitute teacher replacing him.. but! You'll be having a new student, all the way from Australia.. God, I'm parched." He whispers the last one and we chuckled because he thought we didn't hear it.

Plus. There's a new student? Who could it be? And where is Leon? I haven't seen him all day since yesterday.

Then a boy with blonde hair walks into the class and thanks Mr. Benson for welcoming him. Mr. Benson smiles and nods his head.

Mr. Benson leaves the room and the new guy looks around for seats until he saw me. He walks to me and for some reasons I had a lump in my throat. I hope he doesnt talk to me, I'll probably sound like a dying horse. My life is shit sometimes.

I coughed a little and he takes a seat next to me. "Hi beautiful." He greets. Wait, a minute. Did he just called me beautiful?

Great, I bet he's an observer. "Hey there." I said back and he smiles at me.

"I'm Zane. Za-ayne. Got it? What's yours?" He said-asked. I give him a small smile and told him my name. And that somehow made his eyes bulge.

I asked him what was wrong but he says it was nothing. "Just becareful out there. The world's a crazy place and not everyone fits in. People like me, people like you, people like us. We don't fit in. It's a place where the one who looks further. Who can see the future, the ones who can look beyond what's actually there. Watch out." Zane said as he looked at me.

He gets a little closer to my ear and I began to feel uncomfortable. He chuckles and I whimpered because he was making me sunk into my chair.

"We are never going to fit in this place. We never will. It is all for those who can see!" He shouts in my face and suddenly the classroom started to shake. I heard screams of terror and the fire alarm starts its sound. What's going on?

Zane grabs my hand and looks at me in the eye. "We'll never be the same, not with them around. They should be dead, they shouldn't be here." He says it over and over. Like he was doing a chant. I'm scared, what the hell is going on?!

"Zane, let go. What are you doing?" I asked him in fear and chuckles again.

"You'll see."

// edited //

*dances because why not*

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