[ the dead mate ]

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"I'm going to cry myself to death!" I heard a guy yelled and a deep manly voice comforted him. "Everything's going to be okay, Sam. Midas is going to be alright, so will Leon." He said lovingly to the guy, Sam.

I tried to get up but went falling back down with a growl of pain. I blinked opened my eyes and saw that everyone in the room was looking at me with shock. I smiled weakly and Sam running towards me. "I'm so glad that you are okay!" He says as he hugged me and I hugged him back.

"I know that we don't know each other well but I feel like we're going to be very good friends and I think you're really cute!" He says to me with tears of joy running down his rosy cheeks. I went to rub his back to calm him down. "I think we will." I assured and he nodded his head in happiness and relief.

We then pulled away from the deathly hug and I looked at the others with a smile but they had that gloomy look on their faces. "What's wrong?" Nobody answered and I frowned.

"Where is Leon?" Still just silence, you could hear a pin drop from outside of the door of the room we were in. Why are they so quiet?

"He's gone." Axis announced and my heart stopped beating for a second. "What the fuck do you mean he's gone?" I said, my anger slowly rising up to my head. "He was looking for you." He said and my anger turned to confusion. But.. I'm right here.

"Do you remember what happened?" Azeri asked and I sighed. "I never forgot." I said and he nodded his head.

"Leon followed a lunatic to look for you. Unfortunately, we don't know where they went." Azeri says and I just kept quiet.

"Don't worry about him, Midas. Knowing Leon, he'll be just fine, probably.." Sam said.

Suddenly I felt a strong burn in my eyes. My eyes started to water excessively and I whimpered from the sudden attack. "G-guys!" I cried and for some reason, I couldn't see anything. "What's wrong with him?!" Zack yelled and I felt arms all around me, trying to hold me up after falling off the bed but I fell back down again.

"I don't know!" Azeri yelled back. I felt like I was lifted up to the bed again and I started to struggle uncontrollably but I didn't want to, it was like something was forcing me to get out. To hurt them.

To kill them. I began screaming and I unintentionally kicked someone somewhere. "Colby! Are you okay?!" Azeri asked.

I'm so sorry, Colby!

"I'm okay! I'm okay! Just hold him down!" Suddenly, various things were wrapped all over my body to keep me from jumping away.

"This happened to me once!"

"What?" A voice yelled.

"I remember this happening to me once, it means that one of us in pain! Our other half is hurting, bad, so bad they might die!" The voice answered while I continued to struggle like a maniac. "Leon is connecting his mind with Midas, he wants Midas to feel him."

"So what do we do about it?"

"I don't know, I'm sorry. I know what it does to the other but I don't know how to stop it. That's why my mate died."

And there was silence.

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