[ stupid ]

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I went out of the car and looked at sky where Midas was vanished in. I could've done something. I'm so stupid.

"Sir? What just happened?" Asked the taxi driver in fear and I sighed. "Forget what you just saw and don't tell anyone." I said grimly and gave him the fare. He reluctantly took it and asked why I gave him that.

"I haven't taken you to your destination yet--"

"No, it's okay. Take it and go." I said, much more nicely and he gave me a half smile. He was about to leave but he stopped and turned to look at me. "But what about the guy, sir? Should I call the police?" I shook my head no and thanked him.

"I'll deal with it myself." I said and he nodded his head and finally left.

"Or not." I said. I pulled out my phone and looked through my contacts. Modera.. Modera
.. found you!

I tapped on the call icon and waited for him to answer. "Yes?" He asked. "Knight, is that you?" I asked back and I hear him snort. "Of course it's me, you idiota. What's up?"

"I need your help." He snorts again. "Fucking stop doing that, you sound like a pig." I insulted and .. well, he did it again.

"Okay! Okay! Sorry! Why do you need my help? You're an observer, you got this man!" He said and I sighed.

"I found my mate." Suddenly I hear a screech through the phone and my eyes widened. "Knight?! Are you okay?" I shouted at the phone.

Did they crash?!

"Sorry, that was Silas squealing. The calls on loud speaker, Silas wanted to hear you too. He's already making ship names for you with.. whoever your mate is." I sighed in relief and smiled.

"Well, yeah.. about my mate.. he's kidnapped."

Then there was silence.

"Haha! Oh my God, no offence but I thought you said that he was kidnapped." He said in amusement and I raised my eyebrow in confusion. "I did said that, Knight." I said slowly.

"OKAY WHAT THE FUCK? HOW THE HELL DID HE GET KIDNAPPED?" He screamed throughout the phone and my eyes widened in horror.

"Wait no, don't tell me now. Come to my house and tell me. My phone battery's about to die." I rolled my eyes and nodded my head, even though he can't see me.



I can't believe I walked here. I just wished the taxi driver heard my pleas, my legs can only take so much. I knocked on the door and waited.

After a few minutes the door opened, revealing Knight's partner in crime and in love, Silas Diaz. "Come on in!" He said cheerfully.

I walked in and he closed the door as I walked past him. "Knighty! Leonardo's is here!" He called out to Knight and Knight replied with a loud okay.

Silas then told me to come sit down with him and I followed him to the living room.

We sat down and he immediately began tapping away on his iPhone. "What you playin'?" I asked and he smiled.

"Pewdiepie's Tuber Simulator." Wait, Pewdiepie?

"Pewdiepie has his own game?" I asked and he nodded his head. "It's a new game he made with Outerminds." Cool. Good job, Felix.

"Technically you can become a YouTuber... Tuber in real life."

"Interesting." I said and he smiled at me.

"Alright! I'm here!" I hear Knight's voice booming across the walls. "He doesn't need a microphone, he's his own microphone." Silas whispered to me and I giggled.. manlishly.

"So.. Leon, tell me what happened."

"Um, where do I start?"

The Observer (BoyxBoy) ✔Where stories live. Discover now