[ don't ]

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[ 27.01.16 ] *

"What are you trying to say?" I asked my sister, Cheyenne. She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"I said, The Observer is looking at you." She said again. I still couldn't understand what she meant. I gave her a confused look on my face but she just gives me a bored look. "You'll see." She said to me.

I gave her a half smile and told her I need to get to my class. She nods her head and I walked away to class. On my way there, I looked around for this so-called Observer she mentioned.

What did she mean by that?

I finally arrived to class and walked inside. I can only see 3 people in the classroom. I saw my friend, Hale and sat next to him. He smiles at me and asked me what was up. I shrugged my shoulders. "Guess what, Sophia said that she would 'give it a go' with me. I wasn't quite sure what she means. Did she mean she would do it with me or she wants a relationship with me? Girls are so confusing." He rambles with frustration. The class soon was filled in with students which yawned when they got in or walked in laughing with their friends about some joke or story, escetra.

The class was erupted by loud chatters and I rolled my eyes at the loud noise. I don't like loud sounds if you didn't catch what I meant.

"Guys. Shush! The principal's coming!" Said Jason, one of my classmates said and ran to his seat. Everyone shut their mouths and began to fix their hair and clothes and organized their stuff that was scattered on their desk and some stuff that fell onto the floor.

The principal walked in with a man following behind him. Handsome, the man. Not the principal.. ew.

I looked my other two close buds, they were obviously fangir- boying over the man in front of us.

Sam tried to stop Jasper from drooling but Jasper was in the moment and he seemed to be in the sex god in front of us' world. Hale rolled his eyes and I chuckled. The principal said that the man in front of us was going to our substitute teacher for Mr. Harrison. Says that Mr. Harrison is in the hospital because of an illness. Mr. Harrison's our History teacher, by the way.

The girls squeled in happiness and literally jumped on their seats. The principal wished the man good luck and the man nodded his head. The principal walked out the class and our subsitute teacher looked at us.

He smiled at us and stood in front of his desk. The girls stopped fangirling and focused at teacher.

"Hello students. I'm your new substitute teacher. My name is Earlias Lanerick, you can call me Sir or Mr. Lanerick." He says. Jasper was probably dead at the moment.

Then some girl said some lame pick up line which angered the teacher, I was actually happy he was angered by her ways. Teenagers are supposed to be here for educational purposes and not getting into their teachers' pants. Thank God, he knows what he's here for.

He then looked at us with eagle eyes, scanning us with them. Hr stopped to stare at Jasper which made Jasper blushed then looked down at his History textbook. Heh.

The teacher announces that he is going to start the lesson and he pulls out thin layers of papers from his bag and hands them out to us. He arrived at Hale and I's seats and gave out the papers. He gives Hale one and the teacher looks at me in the eyes. What? What is he looking at?

He gives me the paper along with a sticky note attached at the back of it. I read it and it said,

" The Observer is observing you by that tree outside the window. Don't observe him back, don't."

This again? What the freaking hell is an observer?

//Not edited

Hey guys! So I decided to make this just for fun and I hoped you guys enjoyed the first chapter because I didn't.. But anyways, I will be avoiding saying the name of this guy's POV. No no it's not based on a real person..

Well. Okay.

You will probably see his name on my other stories so LUCKY YOU.

Ah I need to go and eat. Bai bai guys.


The Observer (BoyxBoy) ✔Where stories live. Discover now