[ mate ]

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His snores are so loud, it's keeping me awake. Midas. He looks cute though but my eyebags, not so much.

As much as I want to sleep and sleep somewhere or wake him up and tell him shut his snores down, I couldn't. He's just so cute to be scold at.

It was now 6 : 45 in the morning, I got up from bed and went inside the bathroom to take a bath and do other businesses.

I should probably tell him about it. I thought to myself. He needs to know. About what my brothers said yesterday.

I got out from the bathroom with a towel around my waist, to get my clothes. I sighed and walked to my closet. I opened it and jumped a little when I heard a loud yawn. I turned around and saw Midas, now awaken. "Goodmorning Midas." I greeted nicely. Midas blushes and holds tightly onto the sheets. "Goodmorning to you as well, Leon." He greets back politely. I smiled and started to rummage through my closet for some comfy clothing. I'm not going anywhere.

"Hey, have you told your mother that you were staying the night?" I asked him and said aha when I found an oversized sweater. When the hell did I bought a sweater anyway? Meh.

"I slept in didn't I?" Midas asked, sounding rather scared. I nodded my head. "There's a reason why I said good morning just a moment ago, Midas." I teased.

I put on the sweater, leaving me in need of bottom coverings. I grabbed my boxers and put them on, with still my trowel wrapped around my waist.

"You should message or call your mother about your whereabouts. And then maybe you and I could eat breakfast downstairs in the kitchen. What do you think?" I asked. He nods his head and went to his bag to get his phone.

Should I wear shorts? Or I'll just wear my boxers? Or should I go naked?

I think I'll just wear my boxers.

Midas finishes talking to his mother on the phone and we went on our way downstairs, to the kitchen.

I found my brothers and friends in the kitchen eating some pasta. Why are my brothers here anyway?

My brothers saw me first and smirks. My eldest brother, Eyon winks at me then looks at Midas. I glared at him and he gives me a cheeky smile.

"Who's the guy, Leon?" The second Observer, one of my closest friends, Axis asked. I smiled and introduced Midas to them.

"Guys, this is Midas Reigns. Midas, meet Axis, Gene, Colby and Azeri." I said to Midas as I pointed to each of them as I spoke of their names. Midas smiles and says hello to them. Colby who was closest to us, pinched Midas' cheeks and told Midas how cute he was. I nodded my head in agreement and Midas blushes.

"Who are they?" Midas asked, referring to my brothers. I sighed and sat on chair while Midas seats himself on an empty seat next to me.

"The blonde one is my eldest brother, Eyon. The dirty blonde is my second elder brother, Mikaelon." I said to Midas. My brothers smiles at him and Midas gives them a small wave for no reason.

I grabbed some pasta to fill on my plate. I put some on Midas' because I'm a gentleman just like that.

"Hey, how about you tell him about us Observers?" Mikael asked, trying to make me look bad. I shot him a glare but he didn't notice it because he was busy looking at Midas' reaction. "I'm sure Reigns wants to know about it. Am I right?" Mikael asked Midas then smirking.

Midas just looks at me and nods his head slowly.

"Fine." I said. Mikael's smirk widens and he clamps his hands together in an evilly way.

"The Observers are a new species of humans, the new kind of them. We're stronger, faster, probably smarter.. you know all that superhero set. Except we can't fly-"

"I wish we could fly. I could take our little brother for a fly in the sky." Eyon said and Mikael nods his head in agreement.

"And then throw me into a volcano? No, thank you my dear loving brothers." Leon says. His brothers chuckled and told him to continue.

"As I was saying, we can't fly. We're like superhumans, humans, not aliens, not Hulk or whatever. Humans but even cooler.

The Observers will find their mates one day, or never. It has happened twice, he and her cried so much. But they ended up being best friends and now their married.

Just like wolves or werewolves, their wolf will tell them that the person is their mate. But us, Observers find our mates by having several sights of them. Whenever we feel lonely, it's just them that we think of. No matter what. No matter what happens, they will always think of you. It's really complicated to be honest. But we can live with it. We'll find our mate eventually." Leon finishes.

"Lucky for you, you already found yours." Eyon said to me. I sighed.

"Yeah, and it's a cute one. I wish Midas was mine but never mind." Mikael said. Oh for God's sake.

Midas' eyes widens making the pasta fall from his mouth. "Are you saying.. that I'm his mate?" He asked. I nodded my head nervously.

"Hell yeah." He said.

// not edited //

He finally has an official name, clap everyone, clap. This is the fifth chapter, so it's time for me to reveal his name: Midas

Cute name right? I know. :3


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