The meeting

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"You've got to be brave, Kai." She whispered. "Show them that you're strong. Show the world that you're not the weak person that everyone else seems to think of." Tears were streaking down my face, as she told this. My mom. I was losing her, and I had no idea what to do. "You cannot leave me mom. You're my pillar. There's no Kai without his mother." She just smiled. "Live your life, Kai. Don't let anyone pull you down. You've got only one life, and you should live it to the fullest." I could see she was struggling to keep up. Her ragged breaths grew frequent, and I knew her time was near. She seemed to notice it too. "I don't have much time, dear." She said. "I just have only one more thing to say."

"What is it, mom?"

"Find the girl of your dreams. Don't let her slip through your fingers, and remember that I'll love you forever."

These were the last words when she died. I cringed hard. Reminiscing the past had been painful, but I had decided one thing. I'm going to take my mother's advice. For once, I'm going to live.

She was doing her job with utmost earnestness. The peonies  were beautifully arranged, and she loved the way how their scent sent her into a stance of delirium. She also loved this peaceful atmosphere, and all was well until she heard the first crash of her beautiful vases. 

"IKO! What in the world are you even doing?" I Shouted.
Ugh. This girl was beyond control. I saw the damage she had caused with my eyes, and a sigh escaped my lips. "That vase was 57 unvis. How the hell are we going to replace That?" I asked.

"Forget the vase! Did you see the news?" She inquired, excited.

"Um, not really. What happened?" Instead of answering my question, she proceeded to switch on the news.

"Kaito is reported to have Escaped the palace premises, under the very nose of his companion, Torin." The reporter said.  "Measures have been taken to bring him back to the palace as soon as possible. If anyone happens to see him, please contact...."

I turned my Head and cut out the less interesting part of the report.

"Did you see that?" She screamed.

"Okay. So Kaito snuck out of the palace. What's the big deal?" I asked casually. Iko rolled her eyes. "Do you even know who Kaito is?"

"Not really."  She sighed.

"Kaito is the only son of leading businessmen in this region. He also is the son of this town's mayor." Just then, the doorbell jingled.

"I'll get it." I said.

That girl intrigued me, the one who was so peacefully arranged the peonies without a care In the world. I envied those people who do not need to do anything to please anyone, unlike me. Feeling, curious, I decided to enter the shop.

I opened the door, cheerful to have my very first customer of today. Oh, I was in for a huge Shock. A boy of maybe 16 or 17, stood at the door step, a little smirk playing at his lips. He had that kind of eyes which would captivate anyone, literally. His hair was well kept, and I could feel his cologne washing over my shop like a perfume. He was really fit. Oh god, I shouldn't be thinking like this. "Finished checking me out?"

Oh, shit.

A blush crawled my cheeks, and I fought to bring it down. "Sorr..y." I stuttered.  Why am I acting like a love sick schoolgirl? 
"Come on in," I finally said, after managing to calm down my nerves.

I could tell from her look that she didn't recognise me, which is a good thing. I smirked lightly, remembering the way she greeted me. It was beyond cute. A little blush adored her cheeks, and I'm sure she felt really embarrassed. Usually, I'm the one who'll get flustered when a bunch of girls try to approach me, which happens to me quite a lot. This is refreshing for a change.
I like it.

He followed me inside, and I led him to the counter. Iko's eyes widened when she saw him, and I shooted a glare.

Don't embarrass me.

She Gulped and then nodded. So far, so good.

"So, what do you want?" I asked.

"Just a bunch of flowers, anything,"

"What kind would you prefer?" I insisted. He just shrugged.

"What would you recommend?"  "It isn't about me, it's about what you like," I shooted back.

"Again, I just asked your preference."
I sighed. "Personally, peonies are my favourite. But you don't need to choo—"  

"I'll have a bouquet of peonies."  He answered immediately. "Are you sure?"

"Affirmative."  I handed him his bouquet.

"Thank you for coming here." I added. He didn't seem to notice. He scribbled something on a piece of paper and stuck it onto the bouquet. "For your girlfriend, I suppose?" I asked, curious.

"No, but this is for a beautiful girl I met just Now." 

He swiftly placed them in into my hands. "Consider as a gift from me, and don't forget to read that note."

And before I could protest, he was gone.  Iko appeared from behind the wall immediately.

"OH MY GODS, Cinder! You've just got a flower bouquet from Kaito!" She Squealed.

I checked the note, and indeed it was signed as Kaito.

This is a revised chapter. I found it really bad, and I decided to edit my story. More edits are yet to come, thank you.

The florist (Kaider)#TLCWattysWhere stories live. Discover now