date part 2

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We entered the colossal building through the main gate. The gate itself looked very expensive, and was designed beautifully with intricate carvings. "Do you always buy these kind of buildings? They look damn expensive." Kai smiled. "Me and my mother together designed this building and built it."  "Its designs are so stunning, and beautiful."  "Come and have a look at the rooms and the garden. And we have added a swimming pool, a restaurant and a party hall, as a part of renovation."  He continued. "But all of our golden memories lies with the garden. I'll show that at the end."  "And, after exploring the palace, I want to tell you something. So, don't go too soon."  He added after a thought. "Well, it seems that we've got ourselves a plan." "We sure have."  He smirked.  "Before starting our tour, you have to give me a present." "Huh?"  "You know what I mean."  What does he want?  Wait. Does he want me to kiss him? "I...I don't know what you mean."  he put on his puppy dog face. "Come on cinder, please."  "At the start of a date? Really?" I sighed. "Fine. But just one."  He scooted closer and leaned in. I carefully touched his cheeks and gave him a soft kiss. He responded immediately and kissed back. All I could feel was his soft lips on mine. Then, he pulled back. "Did you like it princess?" "Oh, shut up dork."  He grinned. "Come along."  We started with the swimming pool. "Want to swim, cinder?"  I bit my lip. "Do I have to?"  he gave me an evil smile.  "Race you to the pool!" He yelled, and started running. "That's not fair!" We raced one  another and finally ended up jumping together. "I guess it's a tie." "Its because I let you."  "Your going to regret that you said that, kai." I splashed water on him, and soon there was a full blown water fight. Well, it's my turn now to start a race.
"Hey, kai."
I turned around at the sound of her voice. "Hmm, yes?"  She came closer and stared deep into my eyes. "Are you trying to kiss me?" She smirked. "Maybe, maybe not."  She suddenly closed the space between us, and kissed me. Stars. I love her lips.
I kissed him. Well, he fell into my trap, and kissed me back.
I was in heaven. But then, she broke the Kiss  And yelled. "Race you to the other end of the pool! Last one to go there gets no dinner!"
I left him there astonished and swam to the other end. He also gave a fight, but obviously I won. "Told you I would get my revenge, dork." I playfully punched him. He didn't respond. "Kai?"  "Are you angry?" 
I laughed to myself, as I watched her pleading using all kinds of techniques. I mean, she did cheat. What? Okay, it maybe a little too much, but her expression was priceless. I enjoyed it very much, until a tear sled down her cheeks. "Are you you going to remain like this? Find then. I'm going back." I gasped as she went away. "Cinder wait! I didn't mean it! I'm so sorry! I...I just wanted to play around a bit, and your face was so cute and..." I saw cinder's face change into an unknown expression. It wasn't long until she was laughing. " god! Kai! Got you once again." Oh my. "So, you were just fooling around?" She burst into laughter once again. She wiped a tear. "Did you get it?"  "Oh my god, cinder. You nearly gave me a heart attack." "I was really afraid that I would lose you." She smiled. "As if."  I opened my arms and she ran into it, as I held her for dear life. "I'll never leave you for anything, my stupid dork." I held her for some more time in silence. "Let's not waste time  anymore, cinder. We've got lots of other places to visit!"
"What's next in the list?" I asked him.  "We're going partying next. And I'm going to introduce you to some of my friends." "Do we really have to?"  "Yes." So we headed into the party hall. I enjoyed myself and kai introduced some of his friends. they were pretty cool.
I enjoyed the evening to the fullest, all thanks to Kai.
It was almost night, and I started getting worried. "Kai? Maybe I should go, it's almost time."
Kai looked at me, with pleading eyes.
"Just 15 minutes more, cinder. I want you show the garden."  Yes, the garden, of course. "Sorry, lead the way."
We walked to the garden, and I enjoyed the scenery more than Kai did.  "We're here."
I looked at the garden with pure delight. It was the blooming season, and all kinds of flowers were emiting beautiful fragrances. I especially liked the peonies.  The overhanging branches penetrated my cold skin. Magnolia's, blossoms, pansies, roses and chrysanthemums were in hundreds. with a sweet strawberry smile, Kai went into depth of his wonderful memories of him and his mother shared in this particular garden, which beholds the smile of every child I met. (Sorry if you guys think it's too cheesy) "my mother and me were very close to each other, and I loved her with all my heart."  He started, motioning me to sit down. I sat, loving the feeling of the gentle breeze which blowed every now and again.
"Although she was the queen here, she always found time to sit here with me, telling all kinds of stories and stuff."
"I loved her company, and wowed that I will never ever leave her at any cost."  His face became cold.
"Until that day, she left me to my own."  I couldn't just sit there, watching him trying his hardest not to cry. His chest was heaving heavily, and from here I could say that he was trying to regain his composure. I brought my hand and touched his cheek slightly.
"Let it all out Kai. Bottling it all up wouldn't help at all."  It was until then that I saw Kai without wearing his usual mask.
I saw tears rolling down his cheek, and I brought myself to hug him. He stiffened at first, but he gradually hugged back.
"Thanks, cinder. You made my day."
I looked up at him, smiling.  "You okay now?"  He nodded.
"Can I kiss you?"  My head bobbed up in confusion.
"Can I kiss you?"  I'm literally having a cardiac arrest.  What am I supposed to tell? I didn't know why, but my head slowly nodded accepting his words. He put his arms around my waist, pulling me towards him. The kiss was hard, yet so soft, it was fiery, yet passionate. It was filled with out hunger for each other, but it was also filled with love. I felt that the whole universe was cheering for us, as if firecrackers and explosions went behind us.  I couldn't get off the butterflies that was forming in my stomach, yet I wished that this moment shouldn't be the last for us.
Then, he slowly pulled away, his face bright as if he had won a huge lottery. 
"Cinder." His voice was husky.
"Yes?" What is it now?
"Cinder, I liked you at the first sight I met you. From that day onwards, I couldn't concentrate on any of my work, and I was devastated when I heard that you left.  That's why I followed you to Africa. That's why I'm here, holding your hands."  His eyes were full of emotions that I couldn't decipher. "Cinder, with the hope that  you share the same feelings, I ask this,  will you be my girlfriend?" At his last words, my heart almost stopped beating.
Kai, the mayors son, is asking me to be his girlfriend?
Ignoring the feelings that were flowing in my head, I said this,
"Yes. Of course." 
That was all I could say at the moment.

Hello my fellow buddies!! Sorry for the late update! I tried my best at describing the garden and the kiss. I wanted to try something, different, so there! Sorry if it's too cheesy. I want all of you guys to comment about this chapter.
From one to hundred, how would you rate this chapter?
The next chapter is the big one. The most expected party which includes Levana doing something evil.
Nice right?😀😊. Bye! Stick around!Xx.

The florist (Kaider)#TLCWattysWhere stories live. Discover now