Who's that person?

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"Who knew that breaking into a mansion is this tough?" Cinder said to herself, as she jumped walls and sauntered casually towards the palace. "Okay." "So, where am I supposed to begin?"
Sigh. I did want to visit Kai badly, but I didn't think this mission would be this tough. I guess jumping walls wasn't that bad, but finding his private quarters is like finding a pin in a haystack. I looked around, looking for a clue. Like, something must be there to, indicate that a particular building Is where he stays. I passed building, trees, and many others with did not interest me. Stars. Am I ever going to find him? And then, suddenly, I heard breaking of a twig. Or probably a branch. Then I heard steady walking.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
I squinted in the darkness to see who it was. Normally I would have run, but now, I want to see who it was. The walking was strangely familiar. "Cough... Cough.." The person was almost near to me. "I.. Have to meet him.. _ cough.."  What? Whom does he want to meet?  Also, my heart told me that I know this guy.  "Where is _ !"  He stopped abruptly. I stiffened. Maybe, maybe, he found out! "Who is there?" He asked gruffly. Great. My plan to remain unnoticed shattered to pieces. "Who are you? Why are you here?" I asked, even though my legs were shaking. I could see the dark outline of this mysterious man. "Ah. Is it cinder?" He asked. "Yes, it is, but who are you?" Wait. How did he know my name? "Uhh, how did you know my name?" He laughed. "How come you did not recognise me?" "Do I even know you?" "My girl...let it be that way itself. Just be careful of Levana." "Levana? Okay..., but why?" "It's because you shou _ " .
"Hands up! Whoever you are!" Came a voice. Hey it's familiar too! "The time has come to part, cinder." He said. "But I'm sure we'll meet soon." "Hey, but didn't tell who you are!" But he had already vanished.
I heard voices and scuttling of feet. But one of those voices was one I knew very well. "Cinder? Is that you?" She turned around sharply. "Kai!"
I turned around to see Kai. My, wasn't I very much relived to see him here? I ran and hugged him. "What, why are you here at this time, cinder?" Yea. I remembered why I had traveled this far. "Actually, I wanted to see you." "See me? At this time?" "I couldn't sleep, actually. My brain was swirling around you and this place, and somehow, my guts told me that something was very wrong." "And how correct was that assumption." He came near and embraced me from behind. I felt startled at first, but but got used to lying in his strong arms. He sighed. "Everything is going wrong. First Levana threatened me, and then someone broke into the palace..." Then I remembered the strange old guy, I was talking to. "That man is harmless Kai, I talked to him." I felt him stiffen. "What? You talked to him?" "As a matter of fact, I did. He told Me to be careful of Levana." Then I told my encounter with him. Kai looked deep in thought. "So I guess he was just helping?" "I really don't know. Everything is so confusing." Kai twirled me around, so that I was forced to look into his eyes. "Don't worry." He whispered. "We'll get through this somehow." "I hope." Then, suddenly, I felt his arms grasping my waist. My face went red as a tomato, as I blushed uncontrollably. Our lips were just millimetres apart. Is he going to kiss me? "I like you, cinder." He then kissed me passionately. After making out, he pulled away. "How about we meet at cake's corner at 8 'o' clock?" Unable to say anything, I just nod. "Perfect. It's settled then. " "so, I'll be going." I said as I started to walk away. "Cinder, wait." I turned around. "Don't forget our date tomorrow." He smirked and said, as he walked away.
"So who's going to look for cinder?" Iko asked worriedly as cinder did not return after her midnight adventure. Iko didn't know this, of course, but we know ;) . Wolf considered. "Was cinder with you when you slept last night?" "Yes,she was! I think she had trouble with sleeping."  "So, she could have wandered out, right?" "I don't know," Iko said, pouting. "She would have woken me up if something was wrong."  "Aw, Come on guys, Nothin's with cinder. I dare say that she would have been with his 'highness'." Everyone turned to look around. "At last the king has graced us with his presence." That was scarlet, the sarcasm cleanly showing in her voice.  "Thanks, my lady." Thorne said winking. "All of you are making a mountain out of a molehill. Cinder will surely come, trust me."  "And, how do you know that?" Scarlet asked, raising her eyebrows. He shrugged. "Something tells me, I think it's my heart."  Everyone groaned. "You know what? You are annoying like hell!"  "Hey, I was just trying to help!"
I dragged my legs towards the steps of my home.  I was dead tired from all that running. I did try to go back yesterday, but Kai insisted afterwards that I stay with him for that night. I was already dropping of off to sleep, so I didn't argue. Inside, I heard voices. "What the hell?" I heard everyone run outside. Perhaps they were worried.  My word. Everyone was there. Even Thorne. Iko was the first to react. "Cinder!" She yelled, and launched herself on me. "My, where were you, you idiot!" "You are suffocating me, Iko!"  "Sorry!" She grinned. "So, where have you been?"  That instant I remembered everything that happens the night before. "That, is a very big story. So  everyone come  to the common room and I will tell."  All of them trooped back into the living room. There I told everything, including Kai and his date. "Oh my gosh!" Iko squealed. "Told ya. I knew she would have been with loverboy."  "Come on, we've got more things to worry about than that date."  "Like it's important." 
"Come on, I have to get you dressed up." Iko said, dragging me all the way into my closet.
Hello guys! I still didn't reveal who that person was, so you gotta wait! And, guess who it is! As a author, I ask you, : please comment at the end of every chapter! Thanks!

The florist (Kaider)#TLCWattysWhere stories live. Discover now