Developing feelings

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What in the world did just happen?

Kaito Just gave me his number. Why? I had no idea. But Iko seemed to have many theories.

"He must like you, Cinder! Oh god! My ship has sailed!" I sighed in exasperation.

"He doesn't like me! For the love of Jesus, we only Met once!"

"Whatever you say, Cinder. I'm already planning your marriage."

"Keep dreaming, I need to relax."   "Going for a walk?"

"You know me so well."  I quickly exited the shop.


Huh. Cinder, huh?

Nice name. I like it.

The walk has been well refreshing to my Jumbled mind. And meeting cinder was like a breath of fresh air. She's not like other girls.

She's different.

I like that in a girl. I'm doing to Keep visiting her come what may. No one is going to make me stop. For the first time in forever, I experienced the peace I craved for.


Paparazzi. I hate them.

The rumours they spread is outrageous, especially Famous people.
Yeah you got me. I am thinking about Kai. I mean, who wouldn't? Those copper brown eyes are truly enchanting.


Is anyone following me?


"What in the wo-" and with that, the world turned black.


"Are you Alright?"

"Do I look alright to you?"  My head was spinning.

"I'm sorry..I wanted to ask you something." 

"Kai?..what on earth..Why?.."

He fiddled with his dress. "Well, I wanted to invite you to the annual ball."

The ball?

"The ball? But..why me?"    "Why not you?"  "I mean, I'm just a normal girl," "I mean, I want you there, uh I just like your company."

He's cute when he's nervous.


Why wouldn't she say yes? I mean, any girl would love the ball. I just hope she won't refuse to come.


"Kai..I'm sorry. But I'm afraid I can't make it."  I felt bad when I saw his face fall. "Why not?"  "I'm a florist. I don't have a proper dress and besides, I'm sure you'll find plenty of other girls who'd love to take my place."

I turned back to go.

"Cinder, wait. Please do come." 

"I can't kai. I'm sorry."

"I'm not letting this go until you say yes."

I smiled at his perseverance.  "You can try, good luck."

He pondered over for a few minutes.

"Um, you get to spend time with This uh,"  goodness me, flirting isn't his forte.

He still look really flustered.  "Look here, I just want to spend time with you, alright? Just trust me on this."

I pulled on my best poker face.

"Dude, you literally Kidnapped me to ask me to the freaking annual ball." I paused. "Give me one good reason to trust you."

"Uh, because I'm..I'm the Prince?"


"I'll..Uh..I look good in a suit,"  he muttered the last part.

What? Come again?

I laughed. Hard. His whole face had a whole lot of pink. I hate pink, but pink was a good look on his face.

20 minutes later

"Okay..Okay. I..I'm do..done."  oh god. I wiped a tear off my eyes.

"Stars, Kai. I haven't laughed so much in quite a while." He rolled his eyes.

"Drama queen."   "Sure."

"So, are you coming?" 

Do I want to go? I think my answer is going to be-

"I'll think about it."  His face still showed unwavering determination. "Fair enough, but how will I know if you're going to come?"

"Oh, you'll know it when I actually come," 

He grinned.  "Until then?"
I smiled back.  "See you later, dork."


There you go. Another edited chapter.

The florist (Kaider)#TLCWattysWhere stories live. Discover now