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"Cinder.... Cinder, I.. Need you" it was the voice of Kai. "Kai? Are you here?" "Help..." He was about to fall down on a cliff. "Kai!!! Wait! What are you doing?" She ran as fast as her legs could take her. But it was too late. He had already fallen

"Noo!!!" Cinder screamed as she regained her consciousness. "Cinder, calm down. We are at a hospital" "Thorne? Is that you? Why am I at a hospital?" "We have landed cinder, we had no choice but to admit you" cinder's face fell. "I need to speak to Iko" 

"Here, she is on the line" 

"Iko?" "Oh cinder! I was so worried about you!" 

"Kai. Tell me about him" "about that... I'm really very sorry"

She told her what had happened. "And I didn't have much choice. So I told him. I'm sorry cinder" 

"You are telling me that.." drawled cinder.  "Yes. He is there" 

"Oh, stars save me. Anyway bye iko " "bye cinder, take care" said iko, as the phone goes dead.

"ok people, I assume that all of us are ready to execute the first part of the plan?" "but i'm still admitted in the hospital" "the doctor said that the treatment is already finished. we can leave now" "ok, but how are we  going to enter the palace?" "for that, i have assigned two more people whom i know here" thorne said proudly. "new people? you mean new recruits?" "exactly. now, Winter and Jacin, please make an appearance now." and, behind the pillar, a beautiful girl, along with a grumpy looking man, gave an appearance.  "may I Introduce winter and jacin, the close acquaintances of Levana" "seriously, Thorne? how many guys and girls so you know?" "hey, that's rude" "sorry, um, hello" "so, all of you guys now what to do right?" said Thorne. "yes" said everybody in unison.  "ok, then. lets go"

they walked to the mansion {palace rather}, and easily overthrew the guards with Wolf. "that was a nasty piece of work" said Wolf, after killing a about 5 solders. "I shouldn't be doing this" moaned Jacin. "c'mon Jacin, you agreed" said winter, nudging him. "yeah, whatever" after they reached the main hall, {which was deserted of course} Thorne laid his plans. "cress, you have to disable all the safety cameras in this area, except for in Levana's room, and in the security room too" "yes captain" cress saluted thorne. "winter and jacin, i suppose you know what to do?" "yes, I'll do my part, but Winter should not take any risks" jacin said firmly. "will do,"  "wolf, stay in the security room, and make sure the guard does not inform any other guards. and scarlet, stay with Wolf, and if any danger approaches, send a red signal to Winter" "sure" scarlet and Wolf said together. "cinder, are you happy now?" thorne asked. "yes, thanks. and i will search for Kai" "why are you so stubborn?" "i already told" "ok, fine but i will come with you" "whatever" "oh, and we will meet at the north gate. is that understood?" "yes" everyody said. "ok, let's do this, and good luck" thorne said, as they parted their ways.


I was dead worried about Jacin. What if Levana finds out our plan? I kept telling myself that everything will be alright. But it didn't seem to work. "Winter." Jacin said, as we reached Levana's room. "I will be going into her room. So, you stay here" I caught his arm, and  He looked at me inquiringly. "You will be careful, will you?" "I can certainly take care of myself Winter, try not to worry about me" he said as he entered the room. I prayed silently, and wished him good luck.


I believed that I could succeed in the mission, with the good will of all the six. Levana had killed my family, and this could be the time I can finally get revenge, or so I thought. I slowly opened the door, and I could see her admiring herself in the mirror. Yuck.  She turned back suddenly as she saw me entering. "What makes you come here, sir clay?" "Madam, I hope you have enough trust on me to tell your plan," "plan, what plan? You are confusing me sir clay" "I can clearly see that you are acting, mam. You can trust me. I will certainly assist you in your plans, come what may" she looked at me, wondering whether she could trust me. "So, you found out. Very clever." Silence "I will tell you what to do when the time comes, there you shouldn't betray me" "of course not mam" I said (I can't be so sure about that) she then laid out her plans. My breath caught in my throat. I never guessed that she would be this evil. 


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