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The moment the car stopped in front of his mansion, Xander wasn't in mood for any more pleasantries so he got out without another glance at the woman besides him and stormed inside. Sofia was left sitting in the car gaping at the giant mansion in front of her, the cold silent biting at her. She swallowed nervously and got out of the car on her own. She knew he was angry and he had been doing well to keep his anger hidden up until now.

After all he would have wanted to fall in love and marry the woman he desired, not someone his brother had left. It was never good. She didn't want to be second choice ever and Xander must be feeling like that now. She was supposed to be his sister in law not his wife. She was in an unknown territory and didn't know what to do so she just opened the door and grabbed her bags out. Her dress was being a nuisance and she glared at the puffy white thing, she hated it.

Sofia pulled out the handle of her suitcase and started dragging it over the cobblestone pathway. She had seen the door where Xander entered from so she walked towards that wooden door, her suitcase being dragged behind her. When she pushed the door, it took her a lot of effort to actually push it open and a hiss left her mouth as the wooden carvings of the door dug in her shoulder.

"Let me take it ma'am." Sofia gave a startled yelp, her hand flying towards her chest as she stared at the middle aged man that appeared in front of her out of nowhere. Seeing the startled look on her face, he smiled and said, "I am Mr. Loretti's butler, you can call me Marcus." Feeling easy around him, she timidly nodded and let go of the suitcase's handle. He grabbed it and started dragging it across the floor, expecting her to follow him. When he sensed that she wasn't, he turned and looked at her, "Follow me please miss, let me show you to your room." Sofia nodded, suddenly in the need of sleep and followed Marcus upstairs. 

The mansion was extravagant and beautiful, something out of 1800s. Her own house was huge but in this mansion, every single thing looked so elegant and expensive. The paintings, the decorations, the chandeliers, everything looked so beautiful and delicate like it would break if she touched it.

The mansion was huge, of course it was huge. Lorettis were one of the few Muslims who had established their businesses in US and were earning millions. Originated from Afghanistan, Lorettis were quite successful in landing themselves in to the prestigious area with billions flowing towards them. Sofia had not expected anything less. Xander Loretti was a man who wanted and demanded perfection, and this was his perfection.

"Congratulations miss, this will be your room." He smiled gently and opened the door of a room that was supposed to be hers.

"Thank you." Sofia smiled softly, "call me Sofia." The butler nodded and left her alone to rest. Sofia was just looking around the room when she heard a knock on the door. Turning around, she came face to face with a woman who looked to be in her mid fifties.

"Hello, I am Mrs. Gilbert. I am the housekeeper here. Do you need anything?" She said.

"No thank you, I'd like to sleep now." She told the woman.

"If you need anything, just call me. It's time for servants to go home so I will be at outhouse. Just make a call and I will be at your service," said Mrs. Gilbert and Sofia was ever so grateful to the lady.

Sofia dismissed her with a polite thank you and went inside her room. Her room was as luxurious as she had back at home but she wasn't happy to be at this house. It didn't feel like home, it felt like she was going to live alone without anyone.

She walked towards her bed and sat on the comfy mattress. She realized that Xander won't be sleeping in the same room as hers and that didn't even surprise her. It would be so awkward seeing him as something other than an acquaintance now. It was not her fault that his brother left him in the middle of ceremony. But she guessed that somehow it was, maybe she was not good enough for Salah that's why he left her. If Salah did not love her then how would Xander? Xander was more tough guy unlike his brother. But she wasn't hoping for Xander to love her, she just didn't see herself as his wife.

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