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Sofia kept her eyes on her delicate bracelet. She fumbled with the small gold chain as a deep frown morphed her features. She hooked her two fingers inside the chain and tugged hard. It didn't break and that was frustrating her. Xander, whilst driving the car gave her a side look and asked her what the matter was,

"Are you alright?" He thanked God that she had forgotten about undressing him. He didn't know what he would have done if she had gone with it. He wished he could capture a video of her in that state so that he could tease her about it. But her being a light weight was worrying him. What if she got sick?

Sofia lifted her head up and stared at him. He could feel her eyes on his face from his peripheral vision. She was looking at him constantly as if she would pierce a hole through his skin.

"No." She spoke, softly. He sighed in relief that washed over him over the fact that she had not yelled so enthusiastically like she had been before. But her answer made him look at her once again and he saw her frowning like she could not fathom the reality of what was happening. "This isn't c-coming off." She tugged her gold bracelet once again.

Xander eyed her bracelet and refrained from rolling his eyes. He didn't want to get in trouble with her and make her remember about that... undressing thing.

"Sofia there is a lock on the chain, open it rather than tugging." He stated, finally relieved that they had reached home. The grand gates opened as Xander drove through the driveway and stopped the car just outside the house. He got out of the car, ignoring the woman who sat fighting with her bracelet with a scowl on her face.

He rounded the car and opened the door for her. He grasped her arm in his hand gently and pulled her out. She looked at him in confusion but didn't say anything as she walked - stumbled with him.

"Should I carry you?" He asked her. Her hand paused on the gold chain and she looked at him with big gray eyes.

"No." She shook her head and let him guide her inside.

"You shouldn't drink whatever someone offers you Sofia. Did your mother not tell you about not taking candy from strangers." Firmly wrapping his arm around her waist he guided her upstairs. Sofia stopped in mid step and shot him a glare.

"It was not a c-candy...stupid." She grumbled and continued walking. Xander sighed and just ignored her. They walked towards their room and finally they were home safe.

"Come. Let's change and then we can sleep." He grabbed her hand but she didn't move. Her concentration from the gold chain of her bracelet was lost as she fixed her eyes on his face. "Come on Sofia..." He tugged once more. Sofia shook her head and frankly, Xander was extremely annoyed now. "Sofia you are being difficult now." He grinded his teeth together and glared at her, praying that she would not start crying.

Sofia walked in front of him and grabbed his tie, her eyes never leaving his. Xander was a little unsure of her actions and just looked warily at her. Her fingers grazed the smooth silk of his tie before grasping it in her hand and tugging it. Xander jerked forward, startled with the sudden force and gaped at her. His mouth was parted, eyes widened and body tensed.

"You want me don't you?" She purred. A whoosh of air left his lips leaving his heart beating at an abnormal rate. He had heard her wrong, correct? She couldn't say what she just did and... "I find you i-irresistible." She undid his tie, untying the knot and dragged the silk around his neck.

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