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Veronica was still glaring at Sofia when she left her house. Sofia couldn't blame her friend for kicking her out for she had been extremely irritating and irksome to everyone around her. Sofia sighed and gave Veronica an apologetic smile as she stood at the door of her apartment.

"Go Sofia." Veronica crossed her arms over her chest and glared at her friend. She was restraining herself from strangling the life out of her. Sofia sighed, the smile falling from her lips and nodded. She turned around and walked towards the elevator.

So hard headed.

She thought to herself. Was it so difficult to talk to her own husband about what happened between them? Sofia just had to involve a third person in the matter - always. And Veronica was right, what if he got tired of her? I hope he isn't already...

The cab that she called a few minutes ago was waiting for her when she left the building. She gave the driver address and cruised towards her home. Home. It had started feeling like it, with Xander. Sofia realized that she didn't want anybody else if he was there for her and she just wished that she didn't royally screw up.

In her turmoil, Sofia had blurted the words of affection that she felt towards Xander in front of Veronica. What would she be thinking?

For God's sake Sofia she would be thinking nothing. She would only be thinking that you love your husband and that's totally normal...

She loved Xander. There was no doubt about that and she knew Xander had feelings for her too. Even if he didn't love her, she was okay with that because there are other things that are the foundation of a relationship than love. They had a very good understanding and most of the couples - if ended up together like they did would never be this close and affectionate towards each other.

From the very first day Xander had been polite to her. Even if he had no feelings for her, no nothing -  but he still took care of her like a good husband must and so far she had tried to be a good wife to him. Along the way they developed feelings for one another and Sofia didn't regret that one bit.

She loved him.

But - when there was time for her to show that she still cared for him, had strong emotions running through her veins for him - she chose to run away and now she regretted it. She always put things in to action before actually thinking through them. Sighing, she paid the driver and got out of the cab.

Sofia tightened the light cardigan around her figure and walked towards the mansion. Her legs felt like jelly and no matter how much she tried to calm herself she couldn't - nothing was working. Biting her lip she walked through the huge wooden doors and entered the hall. As usual, the hall was empty because Xander would be in office and the servants would be working in the kitchen or would have done their work already.

Sofia sighed and decided to go in her room. She would just wait for him there, what was she thinking? That he would be there waiting for her royal highness to make presence? Sofia sulked in her torturous thoughts and was only on the first step of stairs when she heard her name being called,

"Ms. Sofia..." Sofia turned around slowly to see the housekeeper looking at her. She had a worried look on her face and Sofia frowned, thinking she needed a leave or something like that.

"Yes Mrs. Gilbert. Do you need something?" Sofia gave her a small smile. Mrs. Gilbert started shaking her head and came closer to her.

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