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Vacations were over after New Year and now it was time to go back to university and that's what Sofia had been doing. The gash on her head still stung a little but it was not as bad as she had taken the fall. Sofia's life was not stable and now coming to university after so many changes in her life was not what she wanted. But she was coping and hoped to graduate without too much drama.

In these two weeks she had come to a decision and according to her it was a wise one. She had to do it and her heart was in to it for whatever reason. She wanted to meet Alexie - her real father and get to know him. No one would appreciate what she was going to do but she would do it because it was necessary. And she wanted it.

Sofia had not talked to Xander about it, he would not agree – not that she was actually going to ask him. It was her own decision about her own life and today would be the day when Sofia would tell him about her plans.

The chauffeur brought Sofia home in the afternoon and she knew Xander would come back at night as always so she just sat there and worked on computer. Sofia had talked to her brother about her plans and he had told her to do whatever she wanted because he wasn't going to stop her from doing something that was right. Salaar himself wanted to meet his actual father but he was a bit hesitant about it for the fact that the repute of the man was not very good.

On the other hand, this being January – the start of the year, Xander was busy and so was everyone else including Salah and Soniya. Soniya – a week ago she disappeared from the surface of the earth and as much as her family created a havoc about it, they never searched for her because Salah came forward and claimed that she was in Canada and wanted to be away from everyone. He stated that she wanted to be left alone and desired for everyone to stop making decisions for her because she was not a teenager anymore.

Sofia didn't understand how Salah knew all of this until he said that it was the reason Soniya came to see Salah the other night. She told him that she was going away but Sofia still couldn't stop her curious mind from thinking about Salah and Soniya. There was definitely something else that he didn't want to tell anyone – clearly. Sofia didn't want to be nosy so she did not put her thoughts in to words but the worry was killing her. Was Soniya truly in Canada or did this have to do with Salah?

For Salah – he had been acting strange since the day Soniya disappeared. He was not himself and even Xander told her that he had been making a lot of mistakes inside the walls of office. He threatened to fire the employees who came under Xander's wing and he had no right on them. Xander had warned him about his behavior, Sofia remembered the fit he threw last week when Xander confronted him.

Salah straight away told Xander that if it wasn't for him, he wouldn't be in this position which was sort of weird and none of them understood what he meant. But at least he made it clear that something indeed was wrong with him and there was something bothering him. Even though he didn't live with his parents and rarely saw them, they also knew something was wrong with him.

Even after his rude behavior with Xander, Xander still talked to him and asked him what was wrong and he could rely upon him. Sofia was there too and the way Salah scowled and glared at her, it made her feel like whatever was cooking in his mind was her fault. And she was unable to shake that feeling. Salah had told Xander that he was fine and nobody needed to worry about him, he would be back to being himself in few days and whatever was bothering him wasn't anyone's business.

Everyone stayed out of his way after that but Sofia knew Xander was worried about him and now even after a week of confronting everyone, he still had not changed. Salah had busied himself in to office work and barely took time for himself or even slept.

In the evening Xander came back from office when Sofia was talking to their housemaid in the kitchen. After showering and dressing in to casual clothes he sat besides her and asked for a cup of coffee from their housekeeper who happily followed the wish.

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