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He gave his wife a look as she thrust her hand out to help him out of the car. Seriously? She would crush if he put his weight on her. Nonetheless he sighed and placed his hand in hers, the electricity running along the length of his arm; confusing him.

"Sofia I am fine. I am not fragile." He told her. She blushed and gave him a tiny smile.

"Sorry it's just um..." She said embarrassed. Xander felt bad for saying anything at all. The people who say 'sorry if it's too much' or something like had obviously gone through these stages where they do something and people tell them to stop doing it because nobody cares.

"I appreciate it..." he gave her a smile and clenched her hand as both of them walked inside the house. They were supposed to spend the night at her parents' but the circumstances were against them. Sofia lead him to his room and ushered him to the bed.

"You need to rest. I hope you're not planning to go to office tomorrow." She asked him. Xander sat down on the bed and stated blankly at her. He wouldn't stay at home just because of a minor cut - okay maybe six stitches were not normal but still.

"I'm not staying at home Sofia. I am fine perfectly." He said grabbing his phone from bedside and started going through something. Sofia wanted to argue with him and tell him that he was being ridiculous but she held herself and just went with simple,

"At least stay at home for tomorrow. You have huge bandage on your head Xander and you can easily hurt yourself again." She exclaimed sitting besides him.

"It's just a small bruise." He mumbled not taking his eyes off of the screen. Sofia was annoyed now. Why was he being so difficult and not understanding her?

She sat on the bed besides him and poked the bruise over the bandage. Xander hissed and threw a glare her way.

"What are you doing woman?!" He said sharply, "it stung." He growled. Sofia had to suppress a smile as he said that. So it did hurt.

"You said it's just a small bruise." She teased. Xander glared at her and gave her a push. He didn't mean to make her fall but with just one push Sofia was down on the floor, on her butt. Xander stared at her wide eyed before bursting out in to throaty chuckles.

"Sorry." He chuckled and went to help her up.

"You did that on purpose." She accused while glaring at him. He suppressed a smile and picked her up by her arm. Sofia huffed and walked inside the walk in closet to pick out clothes for him.

She picked up a grey tee shirt and black sweatpants and went back to the room. Xander was sprawled on bed and his eyes were closed with his hands on his stomach. Her heart kicked at the sight but she ignored the feeling and stood besides him.

"You need to change before going to sleep." She said softly. Xander stirred and opened his eyes. He looked at her with something strange swirling in his eyes. It looked like he had lost something and he was in pain, like he wanted comfort.

"Right." He sat up and grabbed the clothes from her hands before walking inside the washroom and started changing.

Sofia walked over to the window and frowned. What had happened to him suddenly. Did he not want her here? Should she just leave or take care of him? With a heaved sigh Sofia chose the latter and went downstairs in to the kitchen to make her husband coffee. Husband. That word sounded so foreign on her tongue.

During the period that she had known Salah, Sofia didn't meet Xander often. After her engagement she only met Salah a few times; one for getting to know each other and second time was family dinner, there were other times too but those were main events. Xander had attended that dinner but he didn't spare her a single glance during that. He was silent and mostly talked to Salaar.

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