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Time changed, just like night turns in to day, winter turns in to spring and just like the sun gives space to moon to rise. Time changes everything. Sofia's life, in past year has taken drastic turns and now turned her in to a whole new person. It taught her to be strong and never give up, it taught her how to let go, how to love and most of all how to forgive.

Everything has been about forgiveness and she realized just how much it soothed one's inner soul to forgive others. At the age of twenty two, she perceived the true meaning of love. She was loved unconditionally and a few months ago, when she was upset and used to ponder about the cruelty of life towards herself - she wouldn't have thought that she would be at this stage of life.

Sofia had everything she had ever wanted in life and now she was close to get that one thing that she had only dreamed of. She had been nervous about that but she was ecstatic nonetheless.

She was happy, utterly blissful and dare she say that it could count as the best day of her life. Why would it not? She was getting everything she had desired and wanted. Her friends were loyal, Sofia was blessed with such friends, her family—a family that had always been there for her—another blessing to thank for, her husband whom God had sent in the form of an angel who swooped her off her feet and carried her to heavens. He was the best thing happened to her. 

Sofia jerked when she heard her name being called and the loud applause that followed. She walked on the stage and looked at Veronica in the crowd who screamed and cheered for her like the crazy friend that she was. Sofia saw the huge smile on her face as she screamed and she was the only one shrieking among the crowd. Sofia bowed her head and received the diploma from president. Then she walked towards the rostrum and took in a huge breath as a toothy smile lit up her face.

"Hello everyone!" Sofia spoke in the microphone, her voice followed by her crazy friend's screams. "I can't believe I graduated..." She sighed and the crowed let out a simultaneous laugh. Sofia smiled at the familiar faces in the crowd and then cleared her throat. The speech that she had written last night, not a single word came in to her mind as she faced the crowd. Remembering that she didn't have much time, Sofia started, "First of all I would like to thank my best friend—Veronica Mayor who has been there for me every step of this crazy ride." Veronica screamed yet again, "And then—I will like to thank my parents," Sofia looked at her father and mother and gave them a smile, "My brother—they have supported my every decision and always had my back, my teachers who taught me things that were life changing. I would like to especially thank my husband, Xander— he has been a huge support and an inspiration for me. His passion for work, his devotion to his employees, his field and his company—that motivated me to become what I am today. He has supported me throughout and I would like to thank as well apologize to him for keeping up with my tantrums." She found the smiling face of Xander, seated at the front seats as some of the people in crowed 'aw'ed.

"—For helping me at times when I didn't know what to do with my assignments, for staying up with me at nights just to teach me Economics..." She chuckled, "—For being patient when I cried because I couldn't study and just for being there." Sofia looked at him and saw the tender expression on his face, "I am extremely lucky to have him in my life. Thank you everyone. I hope I can put this degree to use and bring a change in this country and most importantly this world. NYU has been a life changer for me and I hope I would be able to pay back for what it has given me. Thank you." She smiled and stepped down the stage as the crowd applaud. 

The next student was called on and he started giving his speech. Sofia walked among the seats and towards the other side of the open ground where her parents stood. She walked towards her father—Suleman Yamani and gave him a hug.

"I am so proud of you." He said, patting her back. Sofia smiled and pulled back.

"Thanks Dad." She nodded and turned towards her mother. Her relationship with Yamina was still a little bumpy, although she had forgiven her mother and was trying to move on, sometimes it was difficult to forget everything. Sofia—nonetheless—embraced her mother who cried silently.

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