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After a very sleepless night, Sofia got up from the bed and took a shower. She had university and the sooner she got ready, the more easily she could avoid coming face to face with Xander. She blushed just by reminiscing about his cool lips on her skin. Biting her lip, she hovered her hand over the knob of the door thinking about going out. What if she bumped in to him? God that would be awkward.

Sighing, she yanked the door open and walked downstairs like dogs were on her tail. She looked over her shoulder but didn't find him anywhere so she left the house. Their driver was taking her and she was more than content.

In university, she told Toni that she will be alright coming back on her own. And the man having no orders from his boss complied and drove away.

"Hey..." Veronica jogged over to her with a thick bundle of notes clutched against her chest.

"Hi. How are you?" She asked. Both got involved in talking as they walked to their assigned class. At lunch time, a sudden thought made Sofia gasp. She placed a coke on the table in front of her and stood up with wide eyes.

"What's wrong?" Veronica asked glancing at her in concern.

"Xander, oh God I am so stupid." She muttered.

"What happened to him? You're being weird Sofie." She raised a perfectly plucked brow at her.

"He had been in an accident and I was supposed to be with him today. Oh God, why must I be so stupid?" She picked up her phone and unlocked it. Veronica stood up and frowned.

"Accident? What kind of accident and how can you forget that your husband has been in accident." She crossed her arms and pried.

"Just an incident. He has stitches on his head and ugh look at me, I am sitting here like nothing happened." Sofia dialed his number and pressed the phone to her ear.

"That's... weird." Veronica muttered. "You live with him and I don't unde-"

"Yes?" Sofia heard the voice on the other hand and it made her skin prick, in a good way. She swallowed.

"Xander, I - where are you?" She was guilty because she had convinced him to stay home and now she was not even there. How would he feel about this?

"Office." He said in a tone that he only used with his employees. Was he mad at her for leaving?

"Office? What are you doing there? You need-"

"Sofia, I am busy right now." He said in exasperation. Okay he was definitely mad but he shouldn't have gone to office today.

Well what do you expect? If he ignores you after you both kissed then how would you feel? He must be feeling like trash!!

Sofia sighed and bit her lip. She had to go drag him out of the office because there was no other way he would take care of himself.

"Right, okay. Bye." She mumbled and pressed the end call button. Looking nervously at Veronica, she gave her a desperate look. "Can you drop me at his office? He is mad at me for ignoring him."

"Sure but why are you ignoring him?" She asked as they walked towards parking. Sofia blushed but didn't say anything about last night. Veronica kept waiting for her to answer but when she didn't, she sighed and shook her head. Her friend was crazy!


Xander scribbled notes on a piece of paper, the pen oozing with anger that he was feeling. He felt like crap. When he woke up in the morning expecting to see his wife, he was extremely annoyed and upset that she had left without even having a look at him.

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