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Sofia sat besides the window in her 'new room', hugging her knees to her chest as her chin rested on her knees. The tears had long dried and now she sat staring outside towards the beautiful gardens that created beautiful picturesque. The night turned in to the morning and she had not been able to get a blink of sleep. How could she? She was abducted and no matter how fairly she was treated, she was still taken against her will.

What would Xander be doing right now? Will he be looking for her. He must be going out of his mind and Sofia didn't like to think about that, he should not be worried. She wished she had a way of contacting him, to tell him that she was alright. She just wanted to listen to his voice - that would calm her down. But she couldn't.

That man would not allow it. Sofia was a little edgy around him when he visited her for the second time. He had been kind and gentle with her - almost too good to be true and that irked her. Even when he was gentle, she knew she needed to escape. He was dangerous and he claimed to be her father.

Could he not connect the dots? Sofia was just an infant when he went to jail and Salaar was only two and a half years old. How could he claim that she was his daughter? He was stupid! Scowling, Sofia gritted her teeth together and wanted to scream profanities at him, tell him that she hated him and he was ruining her life. But she couldn't.

She was stuck in this room - the luxurious room that could have been passed for a queen. There was a queen sized bed in the center of the room that had purple pillows and white sheets. Silk curtains were decorating the wall behind the bed and the round shaped mirror was on the side wall contrasted with lights, purple curtains and antique decor pieces. The carpet was so fluffy and felt like clouds. She might have been ecstatic about it some other day but she was kidnapped and this room was her prison - no matter how beautiful it was.

Getting up from the little space besides the window, she walked over the carpet towards the door and yanked the handle. She shrieked when it didn't budge and kicked it in frustration. Why was he keeping her a prisoner when he said that he adored her. Apparently, on the other side her scream was heard and she heard the jingle of keys before the door clicked open.

Sofia stood glaring towards the man in black uniform with his hands crossed in front of him.

"Did you need something ma'am?" He asked. Sofia clenched her jaw and glared at him.

"Yes. Freedom!" She yelled, tired of their games. The man looked conflicted for a moment before he bowed and stepped back. "What, now you're gonna lock me again? Call your master I want to talk to him!" She snapped. He frowned and Sofia almost felt bad for him but then she remembered that he was in mafia and was not an innocent.

"We don't have master." He dragged out the 'R' in his whole statement and not being able to understand him clearly due to his thick accent made her irritated.

"Are you dumb or what? I want to talk to Alexie! Call him." She seethed. Sofia knew that this man wouldn't dare to hurt her. She was at benefit of being the King's supposed daughter and she could boss around these men just the way she wanted. And right now she wanted to see that vile man. The man's eyes widened momentarily as if he couldn't believe she would call his korol by his first name.

"He is not in the estate." He told her firmly.

"I don't care. I want to see him right now! I want answers. Why are you keeping me here if he isn't going to be around? I am not some animal!" The man looked at her like she was crazy and shifted on his feet, looking nervous.

"Korol is...busy."

"In what? Killing people or raping women?" She snapped. His eyes widened and then hardened. He glared at her and then menacingly stated,

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