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Xander gripped his hair tightly and then banged the drawer close in frustration. Three days and still no one knew about the whereabouts of Sofia. He was tempted to inform the police but that would be a dangerous step and he didn't want that psychotic man to harm a hair on Sofia's body. He gulped soundly and walked out of the room.

In the lounge the scene was still the same and it annoyed him. Sofia's mother was crying her eyes out and her father paced the floor like it would solve any problem. He clenched his fists barely restraining himself from doing something rash. They were not letting him inform the police neither were they doing anything themselves.

Losing his patience, he walked towards Suleman and stopped in front of him. Xander wanted to shoot him a cold look but calmed himself down.

"What do you suggest we do?" He asked. Suleman folded his arms behind his back and let out a sigh.

"Alexie took what he wanted. I am sure he is not going to hurt anybody else but we could seriously get hurt if we get in his way. I suggest we negotiate with him." Xander breathed out and shook his head.

"And how are we supposed to do that? It's like the man disappeared from the surface of the earth." He furrowed his eyebrows. He wanted his wife out of the filthy place where drugs were traded for survival.

"We call Alexie."


"No. No please." Both the mother and son spoke at the same time. When annoyance flickered on his face, Xander's eyes flicked towards Salaar who looked angry at the ridiculous suggestion of her father.

"So you are saying that I should leave my daughter in his hands? Have you forgotten who he is Yamina?" He snapped. Yamina closed her eyes and shook her head whilst cried.

"Dad mom is right! He is waiting for a chance to confront you. He will hurt you dad and we know it because he had sent the message in the form of Salah's battered body." Xander saw the logic in what Salaar said and pinched the bridge of his nose. What was he supposed to do other than facing the man himself?

"I want my daughter back in this house! I don't care if he hurts anyone! He must not touch a hair on Sofia's body." Suleman snipped. Salaar opened his mouth to argue but right then his own wife emerged from their room and strode towards Salaar.

"How is she?" Salaar kissed her head and asked about Soniya. Worry gripped Xander as he looked expectantly at Ayla who sighed and rested her head on Salaar's shoulder.

"Fine. But in a lot of pain." She mumbled. At least she was fine. Xander sighed in relief and blew out a breath. For past three days he had been residing in his in laws' mansion for the danger of Alexie's men reaching to him. He was not scared for himself but he feared that if they took him there would be no one to rescue Sofia.

"None of you have to talk to Alexie. I will talk to him-"

"No!" Yamina cried out, fearing for the life of her husband. Suleman's temper flared and he looked menacingly at his wife.

"Ya Allah! What do you want woman?! Do you even want your daughter or not?!" He yelled. Yamina flinched and took a step back from him. Of course she wanted her daughter! Her whole life she had feared for Sofia's safety and if she didn't want her then why would she bother worrying. The question itself was very absurd!

"Don't you understand? By going to him you will put all of us in danger. What if he took Salaar too? What if he does something rash with you?" She reasoned with him. Suleman sighed and sat on the couch. He had no idea what he should do to get Sofia out of that place. He didn't know what he did in his life to deserve this.

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