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"Are you okay?" Xander moved the locks of Sofia's hair away from her face and cupped her cheeks. She gave a small nod to him.

"Yes." She croaked, a frown tugging her lips and he saw the bubbling of tears in her eyes yet again. They were at the beach, the cold wind hitting their faces and water pricked their feet. After the disastrous day for her, Xander had wanted to provide some form of peace for his wife so he decided to take her to only peaceful place that no one came to during winters.

As opposed to Sofia, her brother Salaar had been more brave and handled the situation calmly. Although Xander could see the distress and agony in his eyes, the man had taken everything so bravely and even told Sofia that it was going to be okay. Whereas for Sofia, she had been preparing herself to see her father - her real father for days now and when she finally got the chance, that opportunity was taken away from her.

She didn't take it well and Xander was thankful that he had been there for her. The way she looked at Alexie Ivanshov, it was like she finally saw a father figure within him, she was ready to accept him but she could never get the chance again. Xander took her to beach and there she had let out all her emotions.

Sofia had cried silently while sitting on the sand and staring off at the sun over the horizon. He knew she needed to be alone so he did not interrupt her. He just sat there and watched the scenery in silence. Xander just wished these strains would end and they would be away from stress in their lives. The life had taken such sharp turns in this past year that his whole being was shaken.

Now, looking at her tear filled eyes, he wished he could take them away, give her some reassurance that her father would be back or at least tell her that he would help her. But he could not give her the false hope. The man deserved what he had gotten but he was not going to shove that in Sofia's face. He felt sharp pain shooting through his heart upon seeing her like that. For a month now, she had been all tears and sadness. He wished he could do something to take her pain away or at least share it. But she wouldn't let him.

Xander tucked her hair back and placed his hand over her head as she found comfort on his chest. He stared off towards the beach and let Sofia cry for he could not do anything to stop it.

"Why does this only happen to me always?" She mumbled, as she encircled her arms around his slim waist. "I don't understand why this hurts so much." Xander removed her scarf and ran his fingers over her scalp in a soothing manner. He had no answer to her questions. "Everyone - whoever I get attached to, just leaves..." She mumbled in anguish.

"Hush now Sofia..." He mumbled, getting worried over her state. "You will tire yourself sweetheart. Everything is going to be fine." He pulled her back and wiped her tears away. "Whatever happened or happens won't make me leave you. Nobody will leave you alright?" He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"You won't." She mumbled, as if assuring herself. He nodded and felt her shiver. Frowning, Xander pulled her closer to his warmth and watched in concern as Sofia let out a sneeze.

"It was extremely stupid of me to come here." He sighed, "You're going to get sick. Let's go." He grabbed her hand and walked towards where they had taken off their shoes. Both slipped their feet inside the shoes, walking towards the car afterwards.

"Xander?" She called,

"Yeah?" Xander looked towards her. Sofia gave him a curious look with her red, blotchy eyes and then frowned at their entangled hands,

"What happened to your hand?" She asked, lifting up the bruised hand. Xander sighed and shook his head, he wouldn't - didn't want to tell Sofia about Salah's mistake. The idiot had gone and gotten married to the only woman he hated on earth. They were always ready to kill each other and the Romeo had married her now. Xander wanted to solve the problem on his own, he didn't need to worry Sofia and it was a dangerous territory where he wouldn't want Sofia. 

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