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Sofia rubbed her eyes and removed the curtains from the windows. The moon shone in the sky shedding the glow upon her face. She sighed and drank the glass of water that was in her hand. She just woke up from her nap and decided to go confront Xander once again about her problems. It seemed like she could not even decide anything without him, Sofia picked up her discarded scarf and wrapped it around her head securely. She was in her night dress which was thankfully modest unlike all the other ones.

Clad in silk pyjamas and a shirt, she opened the door of her room and stepped outside, knowing full well that no one would be awake at this time of the night and Xander must be in common room with Salah for he had taken off from his work for a few days. She rounded the hall, with her hand sliding against the banister as her eyes roamed on the famous paintings by Picaso and other artists. She remembered Xander telling her his father's obsession with paintings and basically colors.

The scrapes of paint over the canvas were intriguing and so beautiful. Sofia forgot why she came out of the room and started examining paintings. She was so engrossed in the glory of colors that she almost shattered a glass vase when she heard a hiss from the other side of the door that was behind her. Sofia stiffened and turned around,

"Don't say anything!" It was Salah and his voice was threatening. Was he talking with Xander? Why were they arguing once again? Sofia sighed in frustration thinking that Xander might still be nagging him about the gun. Sofia sighed and decided to intrude before the banter turned in to serious fight and they started killing each other. She walked towards the door and slowly knocked before turning the knob slowly.

Pushing the door open after knocking, Sofia felt embarrassment creeping on her cheeks in the form of heat. What was I thinking? Stupid!


As soon as the gun was pointed at the intruder, he could feel the scream rising up the intruder's throat as the wide eyes and drained color from face portrayed. Salah's own heart beat erratically within his chest as he realized his stupid mistake and now he knew he could do nothing to stop the mouth from blabbering nonsense.

"Fuck!" He hissed and instead of doing what a sane person would do, instead of apologizing and removing his gun from the target. He glared at the intruder and pointed the gun more fiercely. "Hands over your head Soniya and do not make a single sound I warn you." He growled and took slow steps towards her. The poor frightened girl's hands lifted over her head and she stared at him with utter terror on her face.


"Stop talking you fool." He hissed in her face and touched the barrel of the gun to her forehead. Soniya became stiff under his touch and closed her eyes, probably thinking he was going to kill her. But the revelation of his reality to her terrified him and he was acting irrationally - he knew it. "Now tell me why you're in my room, unannounced." He asked. He noticed her hands trembling and her eyes filling with tears and for a moment he thought - what am I doing?

"I - I am sorry. Y-you have... a gun." She stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. 

"That's not the answer." He shook his head, angry at the dense girl in front of him who saw it fit to irritate the heck out of others. She shook her head, her pin straight hair flying across her face.

"I w-wanted to talk." She mumbled, biting her lips to stop the sobs that she felt rising up her throat. She was utterly terrified of this man.

"What did you want to talk about at this time and you couldn't knock?" He slowly lowered the gun towards her cheek, running along the sharp length of her contoured jaw as she shuddered with fear. Salah touched the tip of her hair and then grabbed a lock in his hand. "What was so important that you had to sneak in?" He murmured, his index finger trailing along the length of her hair, moving upwards until it reached her roots and his fingers grazed over her forehead to move her hair back. "You think everything's a game Soniya don't you?" The gun trailed down and down, to the hollow of her throat - slowly reaching her collar bone. "I can kill you this very moment." He enjoyed the shiver that passed through her.

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