Chap.3 • Sneaky

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^Picture of Xena White^

I got to the hotel late night, the glittering lights made you confused about which were city lights and which were stars. But they were beautiful.

The car pulled up in front of the hotel and the second my door open, I immediately got out the car, slipping my shades onto my head as I surveyed my surroundings. Two boys hurried over and help load my luggage onto a trolley which they soon pushed into the hotel.

"Miss White," My attention flickered over to my chauffeur. "Sir requested for your car to arrive tomorrow morning so around nine you should find it the private parking. The desk clerk will be given the key."

"Thank you." I said and with a bow he hurried back into the car and drove off.

I started to make my way into the hotel and towards the desk where I had to check myself in. The clerk gave a cheerful smile which I did not return, his smile slightly slipping of his face.

"Good evening, Madam. How may I assist you?"

"I have a room booked. A deluxe room booked for Miss Xenia White." I replied back and watched him tap on the keyboard and search for my name on the database.

His eyes lit up when he found it. "Yes, Miss Xenia White. Deluxe room for two nights."

Glancing up for confirmation, I nodded firmly, leaning against the dark mahogany desk as he shuffled about to find the card that would open my door to my room. While he was doing that, I took in what everyone else was doing.

Most were couples, some were friends, others were drunk. It was a wide range and that was the reason he caught my attention. In the crowd, he radiated power and arrogance as he fixed the collar of his blazer whilst sending a smirk to a red-haired female. Dark brown hair and eyes with a sharp sharper jaw line that made a knife look weak. His built was firm and huge, no doubt able to tower over me. He looked like a man in power, those men were the ones who got themselves killed.

As if he noticed my staring, he glanced up at the same time I looked away, pretending to be bored as I stared at the painting on the wall. From my perpendicular view, I noticed him checking me out with a dashing smirk as another male came to join his side.

"Miss White?" The clerk called out and I broke out of my daze to look at him. Gingerly passing me the gold coloured card, I thanked him and made my way towards the wide stairs that was in the middle of the hotel.

The man was still standing there besides his friend as I walked past them, our body gently grazing past each other. A shock vibrated throughout my body but I didn't stop as I determinedly made my way up, swaying my hips with as much confidence as I could.

I didn't know who he was and it needed to stay that way.

AS soon as I got to my room, I locked the door behind me and made a beeline straight towards my luggage. I brought three with me, each consisting of different essentials. One contained clothes, the one had my shoes, makeup etc. and the finally one was where all my equipment needed hid underneath layers of different coloured scarves that I'd never need or use. The file for Antonio Moretti also hid there just incase.

I opened the brown file and flicked through the pages, my eyes scanning the words and letting it imprint into my mind. There was an extra page which consisted information of where Antonio would be tonight which meant I had a two hours to get in, find any useful information and knowing my exits before leaving.

It said that he'd be leaving the club at 2am but didn't classify which club therefore shortening my time as it could be a club close by. I glanced at the club and noticed it was 11pm and quickly packed my things away to get ready.

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