Chap. 23 • Lust

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When I landed in Russia, I was expecting to feel some type of relief and happiness at the comforting environment. But I didn't.

Spending too much time in New York.... Spending time with him.... It felt as if I left a large part of myself back in America. Sighing with a heavy heart, I tugged my luggage as I walked out of the airport, ignoring the aching hole in my heart, evidently reminding me of what I had left. The cold, biting winds greeted me but I didn't shiver or wince at the weather, I was too surprised when I saw a familiar face standing by a black SUV, shades covering their eyes but I knew they were staring at me, drinking my appearance in.

"Xenia." He said breathlessly as I slowly walked towards him, swallowing the fear that I didn't realise I had. "You look absolutely stunning."

"Ni-Niko, I didn't realise you'd be in Russia." I replied, heading into his open arms where he embraced me tightly, placing a small kiss on my shoulder, a sudden urge of anger shocking me when he did.

"Only for a couple of days. I heard you were coming back here instead of the company in New York so I decided to surprise you." Uncomfortably I removed myself from his hold, causing his eyes to narrow for a split second before disappearing but I caught it, I knew he knew something was up.

"Italian air got too much for you?" He joked but his tone had a hint of suspicion as one of his henchman  took my belongings and placed them into the SUV whilst he helped me get into the car.

I smiled secretly. "Something like that."

My smile fell before he looked my way, his eyes scanning my face, reading my as if I was transparent but I had all my guards up and I was ready for the drilling of questions.

"I assume you're coming to tonight event." He said as we got into the car, doors closing behind us before the SUV's engine turned on.

"Of course, Uncle reminded me of it before I boarded the plane." I replied, focusing my gaze onto the scenic snow covered view, the sky had darkened, the moon the only source of light as snow fell.

"Is anyone taking you?"

I flinched.

"Is something wrong?" He questioned, carefully. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and instead plastered a smile on my face as I turned back to face him.

"Let's say, I'm just happy to be home." I cocked my head to the side and asked playfully. "Aren't you?"

Niko's eyes twinkled. In amusement or in curiosity. For once I was unsure about which one it was. And that made me nervous. One of his cold, rough hands rested on my thigh whilst the other found it's way on my cheek, burning my skin with icy fingertips, his thumb rubbed my cheek, a smile mysteriously crawling onto his face.

"I missed you, my queen." Before I could stop him, he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine, greeting me with lust instead of the love that I'd been craving for. I gulped, holding back the vile building up in my throat as he pulled me closer to him, wandering hands memorizing the shape of my body whilst mine fisted my dress in anger and disgust.

"Once this night is over," He whispered, pressing his lips underneath my jaw then to my shoulder, fiddling with the strap of mg dress. "You'll be back with me and I'm going to worship this body, remind you who you belong to because it's been to long and it seems you've forgotten."

I closed my eyes, blinking back the tears forming, not because I was scared but because I was angry. I was angry. And he knew why. So I gave him exactly what he wanted. Pushing away the guilt crawling in my stomach, I pushed him again the leather seat, catching him by surprise as I straddled him, resting my hands on his shoulders firmly whilst smirking down at the traitor.

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