Chap.7 • Regrets

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I just want to make to clear that the plot is changing. I'm renovating the story. So please don't get confused with the old and the new.

I didn't head straight to the office after leaving Antonio's. First I got my chauffeur to drive me straight home as I tried to remind myself of who I was and what I was. I had to clear my mind, rid any memories of Antonio so I could lie perfectly to Nikolay and make some type of excuse of to why Antonio Moretti was still alive. 

When I arrived at home, I made a beeline to my bedroom, leaving the work up to my chauffeur to bring my luggage inside the house. I locked my bedroom door and stepped out of yesterday's dress which I slipped into while Antonio was sleeping soundly on his bed. I discarded the dress to the side, rushing once again into the shower to cleanse myself, memories of last night and this morning haunting me.

And what was worse was that I let him. I let him take me for hours on end. And what was even worse was that I'd let him do it all again.

It took so much self-will to leave his arms and rush out of his penthouse. The receptionist didn't even seem bothered, probably thought I was one of Antonio's hook ups since his memory is a bit hazy because of the serum I inserted into him. My shower was long but not long enough to avoid real life because soon I heard a soft knock on my white wooden door, telling me that it was Coco on the other side of the door who probably wanted to know how it went.

"Babe, can you let me in?" She said softly as I dressed myself up in a lilac and white sundress. Another knock happened when I was combing my hair. "Xe, come let me in."

I didn't want to let her in because I knew the moment I see, I'll break down and explode, telling her everything that I wanted to forget so I remained intact and ignored her pleas. Then it became silent. Too silent. And I knew that Coco had left but I also knew she'd be back, she never leaves without a fight.

A moment later, the door unlocked and opened, revealing a smug looking Coco holding a hair grip in her fingers. I rolled my eyes, turning back to my vanity and taking it the dark rings under my hazel eyes and my sun-kissed skin that was slightly paler than usual.

"What happened? Why didn't you headed to the office? Nikolay was asking for you."

I began my makeup, hiding the tiredness on my face with foundation and concealer. I was silent, not answering anything so Coco took a seat on my bed, watching my reflection in the white vanity.

"Xe, talk to me." She whispered. "What happened?" 

"Nothing, Coco."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes.  "Liar. Now spill. What happened?"

Knowing that I won't be able to keep anything away from her, I sighed and faced her. "I was assigned to kill Antonio Moretti."

Her friend gaped at her, eyes widened as shock covered her face. "As in Italian Mafia?"

I nodded slowly and I just watched the shock expand on her face even more. If I wasn't feeling so depressed, this would've amused me so much but the thought of Antonio only killed me inside a bit more.

After Coco composed herself, she said. "Okay, okay. Carry on. What happened?"

I explained to her everything that happened after I found out that I had to kill Antonio Moretti. I explained how I saw him in the hotel, not even realising that was him. How I broke into his house and found the Italian Mafia Chip. How I saw him at the event and tried to kill him twice but failed. Finally I explained how I went back to his house in one desperate attempt to kill him but instead I ended up in his bed.

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