Chap.9 • Surprise

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I didn't know if I wanted to be pissed or shock. It was just a bit of both. Coco kept opening and closing her mouth like a fish as she looked back and forth at me and-

"Antonio!" She screeched but I quickly covered her mouth, a blush rising up on my cheek when a few people glanced our way weirdly.

"Shut up, Coco." I hissed quietly, slowly lifting my hand off her mouth. She gave me a sheepish smile and I glared her before voicing out my thoughts.

"I can't believe I didn't notice." I muttered to myself.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, when I was at Antonio's event a few days ago, Claudio was the man who introduced him to the crowd. I can't believe I forgot how he looked. I'm so fucking stupid." I grumbled angrily which her mouth widen even more. "What the fuck are we meant to do now?"

"I think we don't have time to make a plan." Her blue eyes widened as she focused on something in the distance over my shoulder. I frowned and turned around, gulping when I noticed Antonio marching besides Claudio towards us.

Hastily, I looked back at Coco and smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry, I have somewhere to be."

She opened her mouth to protest but I already spun on my heel and began to make way towards the opposite direction. And then...

"Hey!" I yelled quietly when I felt some grip my upper arm and pull me back, forcing to face them. Dark brown eyes melted into mine, amusement glimmering in them. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out, I'm was completely speechless.

"Where do you think you were going?" He asked, his voice husky and smooth like melted chocolate. One brow raised up when I didn't reply, my mouth opening and closing like Coco's was doing.

"Xe?" Coco called out, breaking me from my trance. The shock was replaced by annoyance and I shrugged his hand off me, taking a step besides Coco to create distance between me and him.

"You must be Coco Chanel, I was expecting you." Claudio glanced at me with a raised brow, amusedly. "I wasn't expecting anyone else."

"Xena is just tagging along because she's bored and being a sad-Ow!" Coco glared at me when I elbowed her in the side, cradling the part I most likely bruised.

"I was bored. That's all." I corrected, ignoring her harsh eyes as I smiled falsely at the men. Briefly checking Antonio out, I then said. "But now I'm not. So I'm going leave now and let Coco get on with her work."

Antonio chuckled and shook his head. "Mio bella, you're staying here."

I raised an eye and took a step forward, challenging him. "And who's going to stop me if I don't?"

Antonio wasn't even surprised, just amused as he took a large step towards me until he was up in my face. My breath hitched when I saw his brown eyes darken until the looked black and the animalistic feature returning within them.

"You challenging me just reminds me of that night we had. Do you still remember it, amore?"

I clenched my jaw, knowing he just wanted a reaction out of me so I stayed quietly and gave him my most deadliest glare but he didn't even seem fazed as he smirked, taking the chance to check me out. Obviously he liked how I looked in the red dress he gave me because he clenched his jaw, his eyes turned lustful and his smirk widened pridefully.

"Claudio, why don't you take Miss Chanel to my office and begin to fill her in on what is needed to be done while I personally fill in Miss White." Antonio ordered and Claudio shook his head with a soft smile before holding his hand out towards Coco like a gentleman and leading her into the mansion.

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