Chap. 26 • Love Shot

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The cold air pressed against my bare skin as the two men glared at each other. I noticed Claudio slip besides Antonio and Coco ranking his other side. Her eyes widened when she saw the condition I was in before flashing with anger, her lips curling into disgust. She stiffened her spine and lifted her head up in a defensive stance, her hands itching to grab the gun attached on the side of her leg.

"You came just in time," Nikolay chuckled, standing up to face Antonio, who kept his eyes solely focused on him. "I thought I'd come to you but you made it easier. Kill two birds with one stone, I believe is the saying."

Antonio didn't flinch, taking a step forward, "Move away from her."

Nikolay frowned, tilting his head to the side as he feigned innocence, "Now, why on earth would I do that?"

He chuckled, glancing down at me when something tucked behind his blazer glittered due to the sunlight. It didn't take an idiot to realise he had a knife and I'm pretty sure he had a gun tucked on the other side. He leaned down, gripped my chin firmly.

"She's mine before she was yours, Moretti. If anything, you should thank me. I'm the one who set you up with this whore," He spat out venoumously before letting me go harshly. I winced but quickly hid the pain but he noticed everything, and a smirk of satisfaction crawled onto his lips.

"How about this? Once I'm done with her, you can have a turn?"

"I'd be dead before you touched her," Antonio warned darkly.

Nikolay's eyes sparked with amusement before he glanced at his men, raising a brow, "That can be arranged."

In a blink of an eye, gun shots echoed within the warehouse as Nikolay's men frantically shot at Antonio but Antonio skillfully managed to avoid being harmed and without blinking, taking down five of Nikolay's men. Nikolay's lips curled in dissatisfaction before glancing down at me where he chuckled as he began untying my legs. He grabbed my arm, dragging me to follow him as he quickly made a getaway out the warehouse.

"You're going to fucking regret this, Nikolay," I seethed as his fingers tightened around my upper arm, leave a predominant bruise in the future.

He didn't even look back but I heard the amusement in his voice, "You say that but you're the one tied up and I'm not. Who's winning now, Xena?"

I thrashed about, trying to shake his hold off me but that only irritated him further and soon I felt a cold, metallic object pressed against my stomach as his steel blue eyes peered darkly at me. My dress was torn in the middle and slipped down my shoulders, barely covering my body.

"I suggest you stop resisting or your pretty little body and the creature within you will be carved beautifully," he warned, clenching his jaw.

It took me a while to register what he had just said but when it finally settled over me, my eyes widened and my heart plummeted.

"W-what?" I whispered speechlessly.

My current state caused a flash of enjoyment to slither onto his lips as his eyes twinkled with malicious intent as he withdrew the knife form my stomach, tucking it safely away in his blazer.

"I had your blood tested, Xena. I had to ensure that no remenesce of Antonio wasn't left before I fucked you tonight," he sighed pitifully. "Sadly, I was late. His little toxins seemed to made you pregnant. Surprised?"

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