Chap.8 • Forget

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^Margot Robbie as Coco Monroe^
>Antonio's POV<
The morning before the party

I was shuffling through my paperwork when the image of Xena wearing my shirt and her curly, and slightly messy, dark brown hair cascading down to her waist popped into my head. I frowned, furrowing my eyes as I tried to rid the memory but failed, another image of her wide brown eyes and her soft smile replacing the memory before.

It's been only four days since I last saw her. Felt her. Touched her. And I couldn't seem to get her off my mind. Memories of the night I was with her kept distracting me from work and meetings.

For the first two days, it pissed me off so tall legged blondes and brunettes would arrive every hour or so to distract me but even then, after they'd left, Xena would be there to haunt me who her sultry smirk and beauty.

So after a while, only one or two girls would arrive to relieve my stress and after they left, I would drown in my thoughts of Xena with Whisky and Bourbon.

In the early afternoon, when I woke up to an empty bed, I was somewhat amused, knowing this was the first time a girl left my bed without me ordering her to. I spent the rest of the day, maximising my security around my building where I lived, not wanting to have a surprise that might not be as pleasant as she was. I also found myself, asking my third-in-command to find a dress and send me a picture so I could approve of it.

When he sent me the tenth picture of a dress, I smiled to myself and knew this was the one. I got him to buy it and bring it to me in a black box with a silver gift bow on top. I scribbled a note and stuck it on the box, getting another one of my men to take it to Xena's house.

Finding her house was difficult surprisingly. I didn't think they'd think so much about staying off grid but they did. At the end of that day, I found myself laying in bed, wondering if she'd like it or not.

I slammed my fists onto the dark mahogany desk in frustration and growled angrily, forcing myself to concentrate. My door opened and I snarled without looking up, pissed off that someone was disturbing me when I clearly instructed my men to stay clear of my office for the day.

"Chillax, man." Claudio snickered with a smirk at my frustrated face. "Still thinking about that chick?"

"I don't know what to do, Claudio." I muttered annoyed while rummaging through the pages to find tonight's guest list.

Claudio and I were practically brothers, known each other since we were young. We grew up together, learning how to fight and control the Italian Mafia. He was brought up to be my second in command, my go to guy, my best friend and most importantly my brother.

"Listen, tonight is the party, I'll be hosting it since you're an ass and lazy," My lips quirked up in a small smile. "But not only is it to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Italian reign but to also hunt down the traitors in our familia."

Suddenly the smile left my face and was replaced with a scowl. I didn't like being reminded of it but Claudio made sure to keep on reminding me that we had people betraying us to our rivals and that we had to kill them off before they exposed where the Chip was.

To my knowledge, every Mafia had a Chip that contained everything and anything; from equipment and weapons to drugs and money. It contained where the shipping or deliver would take place and when, it also contained personal information to where the house of the Mafia was.

That was why of Mafia leaders tried to take Chips from other groups. I only had one attempt and they failed, ended up getting to tortured instead. Besides the Italian Mafia and the Russians, everyone else had it happen multiple of times. So when you find out that your men are betraying you, you set off to kill them before they kill you. The chase begins.

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