Chap. 18 • Words

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He kissed me hungrily, pinning me against the wall in my bedroom as my fingers ran through his thick brown locks, moaning lustily when his hand skimmed down the side of my body, memorising every inch and curve.

"I've been waiting for a long time to touch you again," He confessed during the second we broke apart. My heart clenched when I met his eyes and a smile crossed my face as this time I slowly pressed my lips against his.

It was soft, gentle kiss. Everything around us stopped and for a moment it was just us. My body burned with warmth that radiated off his body and my oxygen felt limited but I didn't care because right now, he was the only thing I needed to be alive. He drew out my lower lip when he pulled back, dark eyes taking in my flushed dreamy face. My lips were swollen and red, my hair felt like a mess but I simply didn't care and I just wanted more.

"You're so beautiful, Xenia." He murmured, my breath hitching. My heart clenched in pain when hearing those 4 words, I wanted to believe him but I couldn't. I just couldn't. My head dipped down, avoiding his penetrating gaze. "Xenia?"

He lifted my head up but I looked away. It hurt, it just hurt hearing him say that. It hurt because I've never heard that before, it hurt because I knew he could be lying, it hurt because it made me feel somethings that I didn't want to feel. I'd been living in the Estate for nearly a month and a half, and I still hadn't gotten used to the way he called me that.

"Xenia, look at me." He demanded but I refused to listen. "Xenia, I won't ask again."

Something in his tone this time round caught my attention, it was scarily powerful and domineering. Cautiously, I lifted my eyes to see his, my heart pounding furiously I was scared that he could hear it. I never noticed the different shades of brown his eyes held, it was beautiful and simplistic.

"Xena, don't tell me that you don't believe me?" A frown was on his stunning face. Sighing sadly, I felt guilty when his face fell and his eyes narrowed down at me.


"No." Antonio snapped, interrupting me and taking a step back, sudden distance between us that I wanted to close but couldn't. "I refuse to listen to whatever bullshit you believe."

I couldn't help but lower my gaze to the ground shamefully, some part of me feeling guilt of some sort. It was foreign and I didn't like it at all but the tone Antonio had made me feel like that. I simply didn't understand.

"I'm s-"

"Shut up." He snapped and my eyes shot up to his in shock, his brown eyes blazing with annoyance. I didn't let that get to me and narrowed my eyes at him, not liking the tone he just had.

"Excuse me?" I asked in distaste. He clenched his jaw and straightened his posture, towering over me yet I still didn't let that make me feel petite. "What did you just say?"

"I. Said. Shut. Up." Each word was emphasised patronisingly that it made my blood boil, my fists curling into a ball, my knuckles turning white. He cocked his head to the side, his expression mirroring mine. "Want me to repeat that?"

"How dare-"

I raised my hand to slap him but before I could make contact with his defined cheeks, Antonio grabbed my wrist, dark eyes almost black glaring down furiously at me as his lips curled downwards. I scowled at him, trying to pull out of his hold but instead he pulled me into to him so that I was pressed against his god-like body and before I knew it, his lips smashed onto mine, stealing my compliant away. At first I didn't respond simply from pure shock but as he pressed harder that when I snapped back into reality and answered back with the same passion he was giving.

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