special edition #1

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"I was consumed 

in a love named you."

[ Draft #1  - Original Epilogue ]

- 5 years later -

"Xena! I swear..." his voice boomed around the mansion.

I giggled, tucking me and my little girl behind the couch.

5 years went by in a blink of an eye. After the incident, Antonio and I decided to move in together - he didn't want to spend a day separated and I couldn't bear the thought of being apart from him again. Whereas Claudio and Coco, well let's say they were the cutest couples I'd seen. Claudio practically worshipped the floor Coco walked on. He was always showering her with gifts and Coco loved it despite what she'd say. 

Around 4 years ago, Coco finally confessed her love for Claudio but Claudio found it difficult to reciprocrate. Just when one would think the pair was finally over, Claudio broke through and proposed to Coco, shocking both her and me. Antonio was involved in the plan. As the seasons chnaged from the searing hot sun to light drizzles and beautiful autumn leaves, Coco and Claudio celebrated their wedding at the Rainbow Room, a beautiful rooftop venue in New York with stunning views of the skyline at night. I wondered why Coco rushed to get married but soon found out a couple months later when I noticed a protruding stomach that held baby Nero, their first child who greeted us in May as the seasons changed once again.

Then there was me and Antonio. I never really thought about marriage, I had always assumed we'd be together forever. Marriage which involved a Mafia boss had it's complication because that meant there was a open target on his back when his enemies would find out. Antonio was not only a Mafia boss but he owned several real estate and was famous in the business world. Knowing the risks, I was content on not having to marry him - being with him was enough. But then, 3 years ago, as he tore me away from my friends and family on Coco and Claudio's reception, he proposed.

"Follow me," he whispered, tugging me away from the crowd. I frowned, following his lead, the wind gently blowing in our hair as he opened the door to the rooftop.

"What's wrong?" I asked, creasing my brows together with concern. "Are you okay?"

"I love you,"  he suddenly proclaimed. My lips lifted in a into a slow smile.

"And I love you."

"So let's get married," he stated.

"What?" I started to laugh but it slowly faltered when i noticed how his facial expression didn't change. His brown eyes studied me seriously, lips pursed together as he waited for my answer. i stuttered, "You- you're serious?"

The air was knocked right out of me when he kneeled onto one knee, pulling out a ring with a beautiful diamond in the middle that glistened under the moonlight. My hands covered my mouth in shock and my eyes teared up as I swallowed back my cries.

"Marry me, Xena White? Marry me and be mine, forever," His eyes widened hopefully, a devastating smile softening the serious look on his face.

"Really?" I cried in happiness, "You want me to marry you?"

"God yes," he chuckled as he stood up. "Can I have an answer? You're really making me nervous." 

"Yes! Yes, I'll marry you," I  shouted, jumping into his arms, smothering him in kisses.

"Mio amore, let me put the ring on you," he whispered against my lips, causing me to finally stop and allow him to slip the ring onto my finger. 

I couldn't tear my eyes away from the glittering diamond or stop my smiles broadening until my cheeks ached. Finally, I looked up and noticed the tender expression he wore as he encased me into his arms. My heart stuttered and the world suddenly felt incredibly right. 

"I love you so much," I whispered, leaning up to kiss him.

He leaned down, meeting me half way, and murmured, "I love you too, Regina."

The diamond ring glimmered in the sunlight as my giggling two year old girl, clung onto me. Marrying Antonio was an adrenaline rush as we had to prepare it with much discretion as possible but eventually two months after Coco and Claudio's wedding, Antonio and I at the Glasshouse, saying our vows whilst the snow fell and covered the city in white. Aria was born during June, premature and tiny yet as she grew into the cheeky and beautiful girl she was today, she was stronger than most two year olds and smart, obviously getting her wits from her father. 

Aria had changed my life and when I held her small body in my arms, I never wanted to let her go and therefore left my job and decided to become a full-time mother. But, no worries, whenever Antonio needed my help, I'd be the first to be there. 

"Xena and Aria Moratti!" Antonio yelled, annoyance rang in his voice as he walked into living room. We held our breathe until we were sure he had left the room. Exhaling in relief, Aria gave me a cute high-five with her tiny hands but our celebration was cut short when suddenly a pair of muscular arms wrapped around my waist, dragging me and Aria out from behind the couch. Aria and I shrieked as Antonio smirked, raising a brow at us. "Found you."

Aria laughed as her father tickled her, her cheeks going red and the happiness leaving her lips made me smile broadly. Eventually, his assault came an end and he coddled his daughter, pressing his lips against her forehead.

"Go play, sweetheart," he said, letting her go and with one last cheeky smile, our two year old waddled away. He then turned his attention to me, a mischevious glitter in his eyes as he reached out and took me into his arms. "So who's idea was it to put hair dye in my shampoo?"

"You'll never know," I smirked.

He raised his eyebrow. "You're expecting me to believe a two-year old would think of that idea?"

"Hey, your daughter isn't all that innocent," I protested with a pout.

"I wonder where she gets it from," he retorted pointedly.

My lips broadened as I kissed my husband. "You love me for it."

"Very much," he whispered, his warm breath fanning my face. His eyes searched for mine and when he found them, his smile widened and he pulled me closer into his hold. His arms was where I belonged and I never doubted it.  "I'll love you forever, Xena."

"Forever, Antonio," I repeated with promising intent. "Always and forever."


This was originally how the epilogue was going to end but I prefer the alternative ending. It also gives you insight into Aria's and Nero's story which you can find over at Billionaire's Attraction which is currently ongoing.

There will be 6 special editions in order to celebrate the 1M mark of Billionaire's Seduction. Thank you once again for the constant support and love you've always given me.

Hugs and kisses,


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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