Chap.12 • The Sister

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IT was one April afternoon when I was in the kitchen with the maids and chef when a brunette with grey eyes sauntered into the room with a bright smile.

She greeted everyone politely, treating them with respect as she poured herself coffee. She hadn't noticed me and I was intending to keep it that why, my heart clenching when I thought it could be one of Antonio's hookups. I slowly got up to leave when a soft voice stopped me in my place.

Turning around, I met the girl's grey eyes, her brow raised as she leaned against a counter while the maids worked around her.

"And who are you?"

Not wanting to show any type of fear, I replied back with confident smile. "Nia."

Her eyes widened with realisation and she bounced over to me with a bright grin. "It's so nice to finally meet you, Nia. I'm Rosetta, Antonio's younger and amazing sister."

For some reason, relief washed over me and I became less tense around this girl.

"I didn't know Antonio had a younger sister." I said. "He never said."

Rosetta rolled her eyes with a shrug. "He never tells anyone. I have to always introduce myself."

"How old are you?"

"Twenty-one. Only four years younger than Antonio." She handed her mug to a maid and gestured for me to follow after her. "It's good to have another female in the mansion. It's so lonely sometimes, and annoying with all the testosterone here."

"I'm glad to keep to comfort. My best friend is also here since we are working for Antonio and Claudio." I said and her eyes lit up.

"That's great! I can finally tell someone other than my hand-maid the gossip in the house." Rosetta smirked and I laughed, knowing that I was going to get along with this girl just fine. "So, tell me, how are getting along with one of the most good looking man in New York?"

She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and I frowned.

"Fine. He's annoying but fine."

"That's all?"

"What you trying to say, Rosetta?" I narrowed at my eyes as she smiled innocently.

"Nothing. I'm just surprised that you, Xenia Doukas, haven't fallen for my older brother's charm." She said casually as we entered the empty living room.

My eyes widened in shock and I froze when I realised that she knew who I was. "How-how do-"

"-I'm the sister of the Italian Mafia Boss. I know a thing or two." She shrugged. "Plus, I saw you at the Nicholas Knightly's party a month ago. You were introduced by him as Xenia Doukas."


She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. I can't believe the Xena White is in my house. Girl, you're amazing."

I laughed and all tension between us disappeared. For some reason, I felt I could trust this girl. She hooked her arms through mine and for the rest of the afternoon, we spent getting to know each other and gossiping about the people of the house.

In the evening, Antonio had sent out an order that everyone was to meet up for dinner at 8 so I cleaned up and changed into a plain blue skinny Jean with a grey goodie and black heels. I wasn't trying to impress anyone so my makeup was minimal.

Noticing that I had 5 minutes left, I decided to go and waste time by walking around the estate, exploring and finding new passages. But that didn't last long because when I got to the ground floor, I saw how people were swarming into the living room as the dining table was there so I decided to schedule my exploring for another day.

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