Chap.16 • Habits

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>Xena's POV<

I was in the living room, flicking through the pages of a magazine as I strolled around the room, distracted when I felt arms wrap around my waist, earning a surprise squeal from me, my magazine falling onto the floor.

I heard a husky chuckle as I was twirled around before placed back onto the ground, turning around to face the culprit. Axel greeted me with a smirk as his hands skimmed down the side of my body.

"Hi," I whispered, lost in his blue eyes.

"Hey. Where did you go this morning?" He murmured, pressing his lips against mine. I didn't bother answering, distracting him with the kiss, my arms curling around his neck as I tiptoed to reach his height.

"You smell like vanilla." He muttered and I laughed. "Now I want to eat ice cream."

I pulled away, smirking with a twinkle in my eyes. "Why eat ice cream when you could eat me?"

He groaned quietly. "Don't tempt me."

I blinked innocently. "I'm not doing anything."

He sent me a deadpan look and I laughed, pecking his lips instinctively. He lead us to a coach near the fireplace, sitting down before pulling me into his arms, handing me my magazine. I smiled gratefully at him, curling deeper into his hold before skimming through my magazine, occasionally getting distracted by the circles he traced on my thigh.

"Axel," I whined and he smiled wolfishly at me. "Stop. I'm trying to read."

"I'm not doing anything, baby."

I glared playfully at him, throwing my magazine onto the coffee table before straddling him, his hands finding its way to my waist as I cupped his face, leaning down to kiss him. He groaned, biting down against my lip, sucking on it as I moved on top of him. So lost in our passion we didn't hear the loud cough until some said my name.


I pulled away slowly from Axel before turning to look at the culprit that interrupted us. Antonio towered over us, angrily glaring at us, more specifically Axel. Axel, not even noticing it, sent a sheepish look to his Boss.

"Sorry, Boss."

Antonio didn't reply, his arms over his chest, his muscles bulging put in that tight fitted shirt. He looked ravishing and I felt a shudder down my spine when his hypothesising eyes met mine.

"Axel, where are you meant to be?" Antonio demanded.

Axel's face never dropped the smile. Instead he pecked my lips before placing me gently on the couch then walking away. I glared at Antonio and he did the same back. No one spoke.

"What's your problem?" I scowled.

"You should be finding the traitors not fucking them." Antonio retorted angrily.

"I'm allowed to do whatever the fuck I want to do." I hissed and heard my breath hitch when he took a large step towards me, literally in my face.

"I suggest you shut that pretty mouth of yours before I make you put it to use." He warned. My eyes widened as I felt the sparks ignite within me, my body heating up.

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