Epilogue • Me. You. Us.

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"Treat her like you're trying to win her, that's how you'll never lose her."

5 years later ***

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5 years later

"Baby," someone purred softly, my eyes unwillingly opening at the sound. I yawned, stretching out my body as arm wrapped around my waist, tugging me closer to their body. "Me or you?"

I knew what they were referring to and mumbled, fluttering my eyes closed, "You."

The voice chuckled, "I did it yesterday, love. It's only fair if you do it today."

For a long minute, I didn't answer before groaning as I opened my eyes, noticing two brown globes staring down at me with its usual twinkle. I frowned.

"I thought you loved me."

Rolling his eyes, he slipped out of bed, not bothered by how exposed he was to me before sautering into the bathroom, ignoring my complaints. I pouted before rolling out of bed, stumbling onto my feet. Once I found my balance, I yawned as I made my way to the bedroom opposite us where my little girl was sleeping, her brown locks blanketing her face, her body curled up underneath the blanket of a disney princess. Softly snoring, I smiled as I closed the distance between us, moving her hair away from her face before gently shaking her.

"Ariadne," I whispered. "You got to wake up, honey, or you'll be late to school."

She groaned, turning away from me and curling closer into her blankets.

"Sweetheart," I said, turning my attentions to the curtains that blocked the sunlight. I peeled them open, rays of light spotlighting the room and causing her to moan.

"I don't want to go," she mumbled.

"Tough luck, Ari," I chucked as she glared at me through her semi-closed eyes.

"You got thirty minutes before your uncle comes to collect you."

I left before she could argue which could last a considerably long time. Although she was five, she had a mouth on her and was able to argue out of anything if it wasn't her way. Unfortunately, she got that from her father so when they both get into a arguement, it could last for hours. On the other hand, Aria was beyond perfect. She was sweet and gentle, her attitudes to people was respectful yet she held a vast amount of power, and can make the strongest men weak. Antonio had always been adamant on having his daughter as his successor, but something within me told me that it won't be going that way. Aria was stubborn which meant no one decided her future. It was still a touchy subject for Antonio.

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