Don't Worry

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••Johnson's POV•

**3 Months Later**

"So that's why you want me to go with you?" I asked Alex as I leaned back on a chair
"Yes." She nodded. I chuckled and nodded
"Good." She smiled walking over to me
"Let's go hear your moms baby's heart beat." I grinned she giggled and shook her head
"That sounded weird but I know what you meant." She laughed

"Wait but I heard you can hear the baby's heart beat at two months." I said she nodded
"It's been three." I furrowed my eyebrows
"Well my mom hasn't had a baby in eighteen years so." She shrugged
"I don't get it." I shook my head
"She's just nervous." She explained
"Summer was the last one and now there's another baby on the way, a lot to take in." She added

"Oh ok." I nodded
"You kids ready?" Monica asked walking in
"Yup." Alex nodded
"Speak for yourself." I spoke up
"He still needs to put on his shoes." She said hitting my shoulder
"I had them on but someone wanted to cuddle so I took them off." I said making her blush
"Ok just hurry." Monica laughed before walking out

"Ass." Alex said hitting my chest. I grabbed her hand and sat her on my lap
"But you love me." I smirked pecking her lips
"Sadly." She sighed
"You're very mean you know that?" I asked making her giggle and nod
"Hurry so we can go." She said trying to get out of my grip
"Nope." I shook my head
"Jack!" She whined

"Alex!" I mimicked her. She pouted and crossed her arms
"You're so fucking beautiful." I whispered making her blush
"Stop." She groaned hiding in the crook of my neck
"Please put on your shoes?" She mumbled I chuckled and shook my head
"Jay." She whined wrapping her arms around my neck

"That doesn't make me want to put them on." I laughed wrapping my arms around her waist
"I hate you." She groaned gripping onto my jacket
"Love you too." I whispered kissing her cheek
"Jack please." She whined
"Ok ok." I said letting go of her waist
"Thank you." She said pecking my lips before getting off
"Yea yea." I waved her off. She giggled and handed me my shoes

"I could've got them." I said putting on my left one
"Well I wanted to so shut your face and put them on so we can go." She ordered
"Bossy." I teased making her throw a pillow at me
"Babe!" I groaned standing up and walking over to her
"Jack." She warned I smirked and threw her on the bed

"You're mean." I tisked hovering over her. She huffed and blew a piece of her hair out of her face
"You started it." She defended
"I did not." I gasped she hid a smile and rolled her eyes
"It's not nice to roll your eyes babe." I said to her
"Especially not at your boyfriend." I said kissing her cheek
"Jack come in we have to go." She whined
"But I want to be with my girlfriend." I pouted

"Alone." I whispered leaning in and kissing her. She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck. I gripped onto her hips and licked her bottom lip. She hummed and shook her head
"Babe." I groaned into the kiss. I ran my hands up her stomach a-
"Hello!" Someone yelled I got off her to see Daniel waving his hands
"Hi." I said scratching the back of my neck

"Mom is waiting for you guys in the car." Daniel chuckled before walking away
"Well that was embarrassing." Alex said standing up. I chuckled and nodded
"Come on Jay." She said grabbing my hand and pulling me up
"Wow babe you're so strong." I joked standing up
"Hurry Johnson." She whined walking out. I laughed and followed her downstairs

"Hey lovebirds." Summer said I chuckled and nodded
"Are you going too?" I asked
"Can't I have to do homework." She rolled her eyes
"Well maybe if you would've done your homework last night you could have gone." Alex said
"If I would've done it I wouldn't have watched Teen Wolf." Summer replied
"Touché." Alex nodded. Summer winked at her before walking upstairs

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