Miles Apart

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••Alex's POV•

**2 Years Later**

"Almost out of college." Summer sighed as she plopped herself on the sofa. I chuckled
"A couple more months." I said sitting next to her and looking around our dorm

Yes it's been two years since we left Omaha and moved to New York
I have to say college was a lot of stress for the both of us. But I know it's gonna be worth it. Or well I least I hope it will

Sammy and Summer are still together
I honestly wish I could say the same for me and Jack. But we're not together anymore. The first five months were great. We stayed strong but like my mom said it was too much for me to handle

I don't even know how Summer handles it but she does. But I guess seeing Jack with all his beautiful fans made me feel insecure. And I felt like I was distracting him from his music. So I decided to call it off

"Thinking of him?" Summer asked snapping me out of my thoughts
"Yeah." I sighed as I played with my fingers
"Call him, it's never too late." She said. I bit my lip

"It's been two years Summer, I can't do that." I shook my head
"Alex, you're twenty one now, he's twenty two you guys deserve to be happy...together." She said

"Stop please." I whispered
"Alex." She said sternly I shook my head and stood up
"Let's start packing, we leave tomorrow." I said to her she nodded

"I can't wait to see James." She squealed
"He's an ugly baby." I teased
"He is not! He's a beautiful chubby baby!" She defended throwing a pillow at me

"I know he is." I chuckled as I rubbed my eye
"What should we take him?" She asked as she zipped up her suitcase
"Defiantly not candy." I said looking at her sternly

Last time she took him a whole bucket of candies and we couldn't get him to stop jumping around. He kept screaming and kissing my mom, me and Summer. And Daniel well he kept punching him

My mom warned us that if we take him more candy we'll face serious consequences. And trust me my mom can be scary when she wants to. But aren't all moms? Point is we CAN'T take James any candy what so ever

"But he loves candy." She whined
"Fine you'll face moms wrath." I said to her, her eyes went wide
"Fine we'll just take him to the park like we did that one time." She said I nodded

"What time does our flight leave?" She asked
"At seven." I replied
"In the morning?" She groaned
"No at night." I said sarcastically. She huffed and crossed her arms

"Yes in the morning." I said
"Why early though?" She asked
"Cause we aren't gonna get there till like twelve or eleven." I replied
"Ok ok fine." She sighed dramatically

"Drama Queen." I mumbled receiving a pillow thrown in my face
"Summer." I groaned annoyed
"Sorry your face was annoying me." She shrugged I glared at her

"What?" She chuckled
"How are we related?" I huffed as I sat on my bed
"I don't know, it's a mystery to me too." She shrugged. I rolled my eyes

"What are you doing?" She asked
"Calling mom." I said pressing her contact and putting it up to my ear. On the second ring she picked up
"Alex, everything ok?" She asked out of breath

"Yeah everything is fine, are you ok mom?" I asked she chuckled
"James keeps running around the house and wanted me to chase him so I did." She explained. I chuckled and shook my head

"Don't tire yourself out too much momma." I sighed
"I'm fine." She assured
"I'm not that old you know?" She said I giggled
"I know mom." I nodded

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