My World

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••Johnson's POV•

I looked into her eyes. Waiting for her reply. Hoping, praying she says yes
"Jack-I." She stuttered
"You don't want to?" I frowned.
"Ok, sorry but I'm like really hungry." Summer said walking out of the room
"Everything ok?" She asked us
"Yeah." I mumbled
"I interrupted something, sorry I'll go now." She said quickly walking away
"I should go." I mumbled holding back my tears
"Bye Alex." I whispered

"Are you seriously gonna do this?" She asked
"Do what?" I asked turning to face her
"Leave your girlfriend alone in her apartment." She exclaimed. A smile formed on my face as those words came out of her mouth

I wrapped my arm around her waist and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and smiled into the kiss making my heart flutter
"I love you." I mumbled into the kiss
"I love you too Jay." She whispered. I smiled

"I'm really loving the glasses." I said making her giggle. She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the apartment
"It's a nice place." I complimented as I closed the door behind me and looked around

"Thanks." She smiled
"There's something really beautiful in this apartment." I said to her
"What?" She asked looking around. I pulled her over to the mirror and faced her towards it
"You." I whispered in her ear as I wrapped my arms around her waist

She blushed and looked at me
"Next time, you should let me finish." She said caressing my cheek
"Next time don't make me wait that long." I said pecking her lips
"Let's hope there isn't a next time." She giggled

"Amen." I nodded making her laugh
"You're a dork, always have and you always will." She said kissing my cheek
"Babe my lips are right here." I said pointing to them and puckering. She chuckled before pecking my lips

"Happy?" She asked
"I'd be happier if you kissed me longer." I shrugged
"Mmm I don't think so." She teased and shook her head
"Meanie." I pouted

"Now for that, I won't." She said sternly
"This is torture, you know that right?" I asked her
"I think you'll survive." She grinned. I huffed before crashing my lips with hers

She gasped in shock. She slowly started to move her lips in sync with mine. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pinned her to the wall
"Jack." She groaned as I bit her lip
"I missed doing that." I chuckled

"Well although I did miss your kisses I didn't miss that." She pouted
"Yes you did." I teased
"Just kiss me." She mumbled looking at my lips
"My pleasure." I mumbled as I cupped her cheeks and kissed her




"Oh shit." I mumbled as I quickly picked up Alex's foundation
"Babe?" I asked as I closed the bottle
"What?" She asked walking into the room
"Jack that was my favorite foundation." She whined

"I'm sorry, I'll buy you a new one." I assured as I cleaned it up
"It's fine." She waved me off
"No it's not, I've been in makeup stores. These shits are expensive." I said to her.
"I can buy one it's ok." She smiled

"Babe." I said wrapping my arms around her waist
"Mmm?" She bit her lip
"I'm buying you a new one." I said pecking her lips
"You don't have to Jack I don't want you wasting money on me." She huffed

"Why do you always care about that? You're my girlfriend, I want to." I said
"Because I don't like when you waste money on me." She said wrapping her arms around my neck

"Fine then, take it as a back together present." I said caressing her cheek
"God you're such a dork." She giggled. I grinned and nodded

"Like I said, as long as you love me I'm ok with that." I shrugged
"You know me and Summer where talking about you earlier." She said I raised a brow
"I'm hoping good things." I joked

Old Friends ✖ Jack Johnson [COMPLETED] ✔Where stories live. Discover now