Our House

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••Alex's POV•

I walked into our kitchen and began to make breakfast. Jack is still fast asleep upstairs, I've already explored the house two times and I'm in love. Jack seriously has good taste. I grabbed two eggs from the fridge and some bacon.
"Babe!" Jack yelled from upstairs
"What?!" I yelled back
"Where's my shirt?!" He yelled back, I looked down at myself and grinned
"I don't know!" I replied. After that he didn't answer so I'm guessing he just got another shirt. I giggled and turned on the oven.

"I looked literally everywhere, I don't know where the fuck it w-."
"God damn it Alex." He mumbled cutting himself off
"What?" I teased.
"How you still manage to look beautiful is beyond me." He said walking over to me and pecking my lips
"Mmm minty." I said licking my lips, he chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Are you hungry?" I murmured, running my hand through his hair.

"What are we making?" He asked
"We?" I gasped teasingly, he nodded
"Well, we are making eggs and bacon." I smiled
"I fucking love your smile." He mumbled
"Why are you so cliché?" I asked
"Cause I have you." He said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. I leaned in and kissed him softly, his arms wrapped around made my whole body ignite.

Our lips molded together as he softly pinned me to the refrigerator
"It's cold." I giggled against his lips, he pulled away and smiled.
"You always ruin the moment princess." He whispered, I blushed and looked down.
"I don't mean to." I mumbled.
"I love you." He said kissing my cheek
"Let's start cooking." I said pushing him away, he chuckled.
"I'll make the eggs." He said grabbing a bowl from the cabinet

"Fine with me." I smiled and nodded as I put a pan on the stove. Jack walked over to the little speaker we had and connected his phone on it and blasted Kendrick Lamar
"You're such a weirdo!" I laughed over the music, he winked and rapped along to the song as he cracked the eggs into the bowl. That's pretty much our morning, Jack listening to Kendrick Lamar, Rick Ross and Tory Lanez. And me trying to take his phone away and put on the music I like, but he would just end up kissing me, which I didn't mind what so ever

Once we were done eating our breakfast. I washed the dishes-which Jack complained about because he said he could wash them too-but I didn't let him. He just pouted before walking into our living room that only had a couch and the TV. I finished washing the dishes and walked into the living room and sat next to him
"I love you." I said kissing his cheek and resting my head on his shoulder
"I love you too princess." He whispered playing with my hair

"This is paradise." He murmured, I smiled and snuggled closer to him
"Having you in my arms is the most amazing thing in the world, I wouldn't change it for anything." He said caressing my cheek
"You're the corniest man in the world." I said pecking his lips, he chuckled
"But I'm your man, so lucky you." He smirked
"Lucky me, indeed." I murmured, sitting on his lap and wrapping my arms around his neck

"W-What are you doing?" He stuttered
"Sitting on my boyfriends lap." I said in a duh tone.
"You know damn well, you're doing more than that." He mumbled wrapping his arms around my waist
"No, I don't." I said shaking my head.
"Yes, you do." He growled, his grip on my waist getting tighter
"Gosh, I didn't know it was illegal to sit on my boyfriends lap." I teased, he rolled his eyes before cupping my face and kissing me hungrily

I smiled into the kiss as I tugged on his blonde locks. There's something about his kisses that makes me so happy and loved. And I never want him to stop. He's all I ever wanted, he's pure perfection and I hate that he doesn't see it. But I guess it takes that special someone to see it.
He laid us down on the couch, but now he was hovering over me. He pulled away from our kiss and began leaving soft, wet kisses down my neck. I sighed in pleasure as he started using his tongue, clearly he was planning to leave me a hickey, and I wasn't gonna stop him.

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