Not Mad Anymore

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••Alex's POV•

"I hate school, I hate math, I hate science, I hate English, I hate biology, I hate P.E, I hate the teachers, I hate the s-Aaron cut Summer off
"Ok we get it, you hate everyone and everything, can you shut up now?" He asked making her glare at him

"Times like this I wish you were my best friend and not Alex's." She huffed
"Sorry but I'm Alex's." He said wrapping an arm around my shoulder and kissing my cheek. I chuckled and rolled my eyes

"Soon we'll be walking out of those doors as graduates." Summer said
"Soon isn't soon enough." Aaron groaned. I giggled and nodded
"That's true." Summer sighed

"And senior prom is right around the corner, then graduation." Summer said
"I totally forgot about prom." I said to her. Her eyes went wide. Oh no. Here we go again

"How do you forget about prom?! We're supposed to go dress shopping tomorrow! You promised me last year!" She yelled making both me and Aaron cover our ears. Once we saw her lips stopped moving and we removed our hands and sighed

"Gosh Summer." I groaned
"How could you forget?" She squealed
"I don't know." I shrugged
"I swear Johnson has you wrapped around your finger." She said as we walked out of school

"He d-I was cut off with a scream coming out of my mouth as someone picked me up and spun me around
"Put me down!" I yelled at him as he laughed.
"Jack!" I squealed closing my eyes

"Ok you can open your eyes now." He said as I felt him pull me closer to his chest. I shook my head
"Princess, open them." He whispered tucking a strand of hair behind my ear

I sighed and fluttered open my eyes to see a pair of beautiful blue ones looking straight at me
"You scared me." I mumbled
"Sorry." He chuckled before pressing his soft lips against mine

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck before kissing back
"Ok enough PDA." Summer said pulling him away from me
"Summer." I whined grabbing Jack's hand. He chuckled

"No, seriously how did you forget about prom?" She asked
"Prom?" Jack asked
"Yeah, senior prom. And Alex here forgot about it." Summer replied

"Well sorry." I huffed
"And you promised me to go dress shopping." She whined
"I don't recall." I said leaning on Jack's shoulder. He chuckled and kissed my forehead

"Why don't you go babe?" He asked
"Cause I don't like dresses." I huffed
"You wore one last year." Summer whined. I glared at her
"Who did I go to prom with last year?" I asked

"Dyl-ohhh." She said I nodded. Jack tensed up behind me. He knew exactly who she was gonna say
"But this time you can go with someone else." She said looking at Jack

"Mmm true." He whispered in my ear
"True, I can go with Aaron." I joked looking at him who had been quiet this whole time
"Oh totally love." He nodded playing along. Jack groaned

"I meant me." He whined
"Should've said that." I giggled
"You're mean." He pouted. I smiled and pecked his lips.
"You guys are too cute." Aaron said in a teasing tone

"Thank you." We said in sync. We looked at each other before bursting out into a fit of laughter
"Weirdos." Summer said shaking her head which only made us laugh more




"Do you want to go to prom?" Jack asked as I sat between his legs
"If you will then yes." I said leaning on him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face in the crook of my neck

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