Family Time

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••Alex's POV•

"Alex!!" James yelled as he ran towards me.
"You finally said my name right." I smiled, kissing his cheek.
"Mommy was teaching me." He giggled and hugged me
"That's awesome." I whispered
"Hi sweetheart." My mom said embracing me in a hug. As soon as she did I broke down in tears.
"Shhh, it's ok, in here for you baby." She whispered.

I still can't believe I left Jack back in Los Angeles. I didn't want to, but seeing him everyday was hard knowing I can't give him what he wants. Even if he said otherwise I know he wants a baby. We both do.
"Alex why are you crying?" James frowned as my mom pulled away.
"Is Jack ok?" He gasped
"He's ok, don't worry." I assured.
At least I hope he is.
"Let's go home yeah?" Mom asked, I sighed and nodded.

The car ride was silent. My mom didn't ask any questions which I'm really thankful for. Because if she did I would've broke down again and I really don't want that. I can still remember Jack's face when I left a couple hours ago. He was broken, but he understood that I needed time. We both do. The car ride with him to the airport was so silent I could hear him breathing. He kept biting his lip, a thing he does when he's upset or nervous. I had to stop myself from kissing him because I knew that as soon as I did I would've canceled my flight and stayed with him.

But I couldn't, cause we both need this, we need time. I love him so much and I hate myself for doing this to him when all he's done is love me, protect me and put up with all the rude things I say to him. I honestly don't know how he does it but I'm grateful for that. He's my everything and I just don't like hurting him.
"We're here." My mom said snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see the brunette walking out of the house with a smile on his face.
"Danny." I whispered, quickly getting out of the car and running towards him. He chuckled and hugged me

"What are you doing here?" I asked since he was supposed to be in Miami
"Well yesterday when I called mom she told me you were coming so I wanted to see my little sister." He explained pulling away from the hug. When he looked at my face he frowned
"What's wrong?" He asked
"Why would something be wrong?" I mumbled, he scoffed
"I've known you all my life, I know when something's wrong." He said

"I'll explain to you inside." I said, he nodded.
"I'll help you with your bag." He said taking it from my hand.
"Thanks." I smiled at him, he nodded
"How's Jack?" Daniel asked go to the house
"Actually the reason I'm here kinda has to do with him." I said to him
"Wait are you guys fighting?" He asked with a frown on his face
"In a way I guess we are." I frowned
"I'm so confused right now." He chuckled

"Me and Jack have been trying to have a baby." I said to him. He stopped what he was doing and paid all his attention towards me.
"I have infertility which means it's hard for me to carry a baby." I looked down in shame.
"We've been fighting a lot these past months for that reason, it's usually me who starts it." I confessed to him
"That's why you're not wearing your ring?" He asked, I looked down at my wedding finger and frowned.

Trust me when I say this, that was the hardest thing I've ever had to do but I knew that it was for the best, at least for now it is. I hated to see his face when I swear those words came out of my mouth, it was like I had his heart in my hands and I broke it, and I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive myself for that I just hope he can. Because I love him more than anything in this world. I just really hope that what I did was right and that I don't end up regretting it in the end because I wouldn't be able to bare with the pain of losing him

"I-I called the wedding off." I stuttered out, finally answering Daniel's question. He sighed and nodded.
"How'd he take it?" He asked sitting down on a nearby chair. I bit my lip and sat next to him.
"He was sad, heartbroken. God I'm a horrible person Daniel." I murmured burying my face in the palm of my hands.
"No you're not Alex, don't say that. Jack understands what you're going through." He assured.

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