Don't Give Up

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••Johnson's POV•

"Your hair looks blonder." My mom said. I chuckled and nodded
"Hey mom, so why didn't you tell me that Monica had a boy? Or that Alex was here?" I asked crossing my arms

"You guys never came and were really busy so it just never seemed like the right time to bring it up. And well because they just got here two days ago." She shrugged
"How's Alex?" She asked

"I don't know, she smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes." I said
"You don't think that has to do with you guys not dating anymore?" She asked
"She broke up with me mom." I mumbled

"Do you know why?" She asked
"She didn't want to get in the way of my fans and career." I said
"You've known Alex for the longest to know she's insecure." She said. I sighed and nodded

"But she didn't have to, I love her mom I would never hurt her." I said
"And she knows that, but it was just to much for her to handle, the distance, the fans everything." She explained

"What about me? She left me heartbroken mom." I mumbled
"Two years without her, it hurt so much." I sighed
"Jack." She said grabbing my hand

"It's hard." My voice cracked
"I know it is Jack, but if you guys are meant to be together it will happen." She assured
"What if she has a boyfriend now mom? What will I do then?" I asked

"You know what you would have to do." She replied
"I can't, I won't let her go mom." I said shaking my head
"J-I cut her off by running upstairs and into my room

I closed my door and threw myself on my bed
"James!" I heard Alex yell from her room. I stood up and walked over to my balcony. I opened the door to see James and her playing

"I won!" James giggled
"You did!" Alex cheered. James looked over to my balcony and his eyes went wide in shock
"Jack!" He smiled and waved at me. Alex looked over to me

"You live der?" He asked me
"Yeah." I nodded
"Is Jennifer your mom?" He asked I smiled
"Yeah, she's my beautiful mom." I nodded

"I never seen you before." He said
"Yeah, I was away." I replied
" you want to play wid us?" He asked. I bit my lip
"I-I don't know." I stuttered

"Come on, we're playing Twister, and Awex sucks." He said
"Hey!" Alex protested
"You're a rude baby you know that?" She asked he giggled and kissed her cheek making her smile

"So will you Jack?" He asked again
"I have to clean my room." I lied
"Your mommy doesn't clean it for you?" He asked
"Not anymore." I chuckled

"Come on please?" He begged
"He doesn't want to James." Alex said to him
"Let's go." Alex said walking back inside. I sighed before climbing over to her balcony

"Who spins first?" I asked making them both turn around
"Me!" James cheered
"Ok baby, here." Alex said handing him the spinner thing

"Right leg blue." Alex said as he spun
"I found one!" He squealed putting his on the circle. I chuckled and put my foot on one too
"Your turn." He grinned

I spun making it land on right hand yellow
"Oh! Yay!" James said touching the yellow dot. Me and Alex found one and touched it
"Your turn Awex." James said to her

We spent about an hour playing and Alex kept laughing at James who kept "winning" her smile made my heart flutter and when she looked at me her smile widened but she would look down or away

"Left hand red." James guessed as he saw the picture. We obeyed but the only problem was that the last one was behind Alex. And if I reached over to it we would be face to face
"Jack ders one behind Awex." James said

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