Old Memories

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••Alex's POV•

I was awoken by loud baby cries at six in the morning, I tiredly stood up and pushed the covers at me as I walked over to David who was a crying mess. I picked him up and pressed a kiss on his temple as I fed him. He shut his little eyes as he continued to eat.
"This is a good view to wake up to every morning." Jack's raspy voice mumbled, I turned around to see him sitting up and running his hand through his messy hair.
"Shut up." I mumbled, walking over to him

"Morning baby." Jack whispered, kissing David's cheek as I sat down next to him.
"Morning princess." He grinned at me, pecking my lips
"Morning." I smiled lazily
"It's good to wake up with you guys here." He whispered, wrapping his arm around my waist, being careful with David of course before pulling me towards him.
"I could say the same." I blushed.

"I hadn't been able to sleep at all without you next to me." He confessed
"Well I could, cause of the medications and everything, but I wasn't comfortable without you so does that count?" I asked Jack, a low chuckle came out of his lips
"Well, I guess." He joked
"Shut up." I giggled, hitting his chest.
"I don't want to go anywhere today, I just want to have a day for us three." Jack said cutely as he smiled at David

"I wouldn't want it any other way." I smiled and nodded.
"My beautiful family." He smiled back
"If I thought you were corny before, with David here you're gonna be even more cornier huh?" I joked, he smirked and leaned it.
"You know it." He winked, pressing a kiss against my lips.
"Jack." I giggled, pulling away
"What?" He pouted
"David is here." I blushed looked down at him to see him fast asleep

"Here, let me take him." He whispered, grabbing David before standing up and walking towards his crib and laid him down.
"He's so beautiful." He mumbled, looking over at me as he made his way towards me.
"Well, he did get your eyes." I smiled as he hovered over me
"W-What are you doing?" I stuttered out as he dipped his head in the crook of my neck. I bit my lip as he sucked and bit it.

"Jack, the baby's in the room." I breathed out, running my hand through his hair.
"Do, you really want me to stop?" He whispered, looking at me in the eyes
"No, I don't." I shook my head before cupping his face and kissing him.
"Didn't think so." He mumbled against my lips as he chuckled
"Shut up." I muttered, hitting his chest
"Sheesh, I haven't seen you for almost a week and all you do is hit me." He pouted

"Out of love." I assured, wrapping my arms around his neck.
"It better be." He said with a cute lopsided smirk
"Of course." I giggled and nodded
"I missed this, being able to hold you close, to touch your body." He murmured as he ran his hand over my shoulder.
"Well, I'm here now." I smiled sheepishly
"And I've never been happier." He said, caressing my cheek.

"Not even when David was born?" I teased, he smiled add he turned around to look at his crib before looking back at me
"Ok, this is number seven of my top nine best moments." He grinned
"What are the other eight?" I asked, raising a brow.
"When I first met you, when we became best friends, when we started dating, when I proposed, when we moved in together, when you got pregnant of David, and when you had David." He smiled cutely.

"But, that's only eight, what's the nineth?" I asked confused
"You'll find out soon enough." He winked, pressing sloppy kisses on my cheek. I giggled and tried to push him away but he wouldn't budge.
"Jack, we're gonna wake up David." I laughed, covering my mouth
"You're so adorable." He chuckled, pressing one last kiss against my forehead.
"Am not." I huffed

"You are." He nodded, pecking my lips
"Whatever Johnson." I muttered, feeling a blush rise up to my face. He chuckled and laid down next to me as he pulled me towards him
"Since you don't want to leave the house, what do you suggest we do?" I asked him
"For now we just lay here and wait until David wakes up." He replied, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear
"Mmm, that sounds perfect." I nodded

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